not at present. I have a lot of ideas, but my current project with Joshua121 is on hiatus due to a RL issue on his end. Aside from writing and/or conceptualizeing, I'm not much good for anything NV modding wise. Here's the concept: and this is the project trhat's on hold: I've written a lot of backstory and a qustline for both, but that's it. My plan is to get the latter released, then use it to get a larger team together; I will need a VERY skilled modeler/texturer to get this off the ground, as I have an elaborate idea for what the airship will look like. If you want I can post the descriptions and diagrams here. daaaaaaamn... :// it would be soooo nice. well, FalloutNV's lifetime is still long enough. Expansions are already confirmed and to be released along the year, so its not like the games gonna be forgotten. Plenty of time. :) The only prob's theyre kinda big... Dunno. Thats why I suggested Searchlights planes. But anyway, thats EXACTLY my point. The only job som1 would have would be the dynamics and stuff.