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  1. not at present. I have a lot of ideas, but my current project with Joshua121 is on hiatus due to a RL issue on his end. Aside from writing and/or conceptualizeing, I'm not much good for anything NV modding wise. Here's the concept: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/280905-airship-bunker/ and this is the project trhat's on hold: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/281418-jumbled-maze-of-death/ I've written a lot of backstory and a qustline for both, but that's it. My plan is to get the latter released, then use it to get a larger team together; I will need a VERY skilled modeler/texturer to get this off the ground, as I have an elaborate idea for what the airship will look like. If you want I can post the descriptions and diagrams here. daaaaaaamn... :// it would be soooo nice. well, FalloutNV's lifetime is still long enough. Expansions are already confirmed and to be released along the year, so its not like the games gonna be forgotten. Plenty of time. :) The only prob's theyre kinda big... Dunno. Thats why I suggested Searchlights planes. But anyway, thats EXACTLY my point. The only job som1 would have would be the dynamics and stuff.
  2. Ah, these are the Custer planes i've said http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/1460/screenshot5g.png http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/2662/screenshot6nj.png They're not that big, as the boomer bomber, making the perfect "Plane" for the game. But i'd stick with your vertibird, anyway. :D As I said, at the very bottom of the map. http://images.wikia.com/fallout/images/d/d0/Searchlight_Airport_loc.jpg
  3. AWESOME news =) Eager to use it @________@ One of the greatest features it could have are a few lockers. It really suck having to go to some Suite everytime you wanna stuff some weapons. 'bout your next project... Theres an abandoned airport (Searchlight Airport) at the very south of the map. There are four Custer CCW-5 planes. Maybe their models prove useful to your next project. :) I guess the coolest weapons for the plane to have equipped are H.Incinerators, MiniNuke bombing and some V.A.T.S-only sniper rifle. Even though realistic, Miniguns would be useless since each shot is crappy weak and you wouldn't be able to shoot for more than 1sec at the target. The only solution would be another mod, putting .50cal rounds at the plane's minigun. Anyway. It would be nice if some Moderator could move this topic. Mod Requests get flooded too easy =//
  4. NVSE really kicked my ass a bunch of times b4 I could even istall it here. Updates and wrong stuff ._.
  5. The "Breather" mask, and its variable mods do just great there. Only a helmet would be required. At the other hand, im just ok with a Chinese Stealth Suit variable (mod) that I found, it would do just fine as a Pilot Suit. =) Could you please give me the name of that mod? Actually, it doesnt even remind you of a Pilot Suit, but its one of the best armor mods Ive seen. Ingame its called the Dragoon Suit. At nexus index, i guess its "reinforced chinese stealth suit" =) I would reeeeeeally like to see that. Any release date? ------------------- Just to remember you ppl. Theres also the alien ship. An already-done vehicle. Even hovers. =)
  6. The "Breather" mask, and its variable mods do just great there. Only a helmet would be required. At the other hand, im just ok with a Chinese Stealth Suit variable (mod) that I found, it would do just fine as a Pilot Suit. =)
  7. Actually, we can barely RUN with fallout's Gamebryo game engine. Ground vehicles would be either a total disaster, or a hovering working one (like that truck upgrade/golden car from ol' vigilante 8²) http://i.ytimg.com/vi/U0JaxQpj9w0/0.jpghttp://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/extra/GAMES/large/vigi8sopsx_005-large.jpg classic gamin. oh! anyway. about the flying vehicle or the Mi-24. My opinion is that there is already arlix's vertibird done, a Mi-24 would be too much work. Sure it would be totally awesome to have battlefield1942-style gameplay where you pilot while your companion sit as gunner or vice versa with quests and all. But it would require a huuuuge team to work on such mod. =/ Well. For now, the vertibird would be great! =) But if someone really put interest on another heli proj, its good to remember there is a whole bunch of public-domain 3d models ready and free for use on the internet. From the simplest one to the most complex projs. http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/3/2044/mi24_2.jpg (pics are only illustrative)
  8. duuude... I would REEALLY enjoy something like that =D
  9. I would like to request a mod for the NCR Ranger Combat Armor. Originally, it is a disguise, so every time an enemy of NCR is around, he will attack you. It would be great if someone just ported the Armor in order to be a regular clothing (not a NCR faction disguise) without any visual modifications. That way, you can (f.e) walk around Legionnaires with no prob. Thanks =) -------------------------- [EDIT] Nevermind... I searched with wrong terms. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35102 My bad. Mods can close this x;
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