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About redmage12

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  1. Hello all I am attempting to create machinima videos in Skyrim AE and am having some difficulties. I've installed Directors Tools as well as the SexLab Framework and OAR. I am able to get the DT menus to work correctly. I am using Nemesis to load my animation packs into the game. I've registered all of the sex lab animations through the animation loader. I am having two major problems, however. 1 I cannot figure out how to get any of the animations to trigger. I am using the command console and the sae command to try and trigger them but nothing happens. I am, however, able to get the expressions editor menu to change my characters facial expression, so I know that this works. Also, I don't see the sex lab options in the magic menu, so that seems to be a warning flag. 2. I cannot figure out how to integrate SL animations into the Directors Tools menu. I've tried multiple things, including complete reinstllations of skyrim and my mods as well as rebuilding the animation registry. I have absolutely no idea about what to do next. I could really use a good tutorial video or document to help me out here. Thanks
  2. Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone here has successfully used the Directors Tools mod in Skyrim AE 1.66. i've been trying to use this and have had no success. I've followed the instructions given but when I equip the Directors Tools spell and try to use it, nothing happens. I used MO2 to download and install/enable the mod. I used BAE to view the .bsa file and noticed that in the file there is a script directory with a bunch of .pex files but that folder wasn't in the MO2 mod folder structure for DT, so I extracted them to a script folder underneath the main folder structure, but that didn't make any difference. Also, I noticed that DT doesn't show up in my MCM, but I don't know if it registeres with MCM. Any ideas on what to try next? Thanks
  3. Hello all, I've run into a show stopping bug with the quest for Morekai's mask. i'm running Skyrim 1.7/Dawnguard on a Windows 7 64 bit system. I've removed all of my mods and plugins, to no avail. Here's the problem. Coming up to the final room where Morekai lives, The final discussion that Savros Aren has with his compatriots before the Moreakai room shows him talking to non-existent companions. ("What else could we do, she refused to go on..."). I.e. his two compatriots don't appear with him. Nor do their dialogues with Aren actually happen. Entering the room, I see the two spectral mages, however, they're not actually imprisoning Morekai, who is wandering around in spectral form. The mages don't actually respond when I try to talk to them. I can kill them, however, I can't kill Morekai. He doesn't take damage, nor does he actually try and attack. Basically, i'm stuck. I've even tried unchecking the Dawnguard plugin to see if that's the problem. But it isn't. Any help appreciated --redmage12
  4. Hello all, I'm running Skyrim 1.6.89 on my Windows 7 system. I'm running into a problem where Gulum-Ei doesn't leave the Winking Skeever after I've given him the Firebrand Wine. He just sits (or stands there). Even after waiting 8 hours, nothing. i've tried going to the console and moving him outside, etc., but no joy. Still just stands there and doesn't start moving towards the Warehouse. i've googled for this problem but haven't found anything. anyone else having this issue? Thanks, Redmage12
  5. Hello all, I've been running into the "spinning sabercat" bug, that from what I understand is caused by the Tytanis skyrim mod. Does anyone know what the fix (if any) is for this? I'm running Tytanis with the latest update. redmage12
  6. Hi all, I'm having some difficulties with the skyrim.nexus site. I can't download nexus mod manager. Even though I've logged in, when I try and download from the "Download now", page, I get, depending on which button I hit, "You need to be logged in" or, Note that I'm already logged in. if I hit the Download now button at the bottom of the page, I get "The file cannot be downloaded while the author has set it to hidden".
  7. Skyrim bandits will definitely not transition from interior to exterior areas. Falmer seem to, but bandits don't. This is different behavior from Oblivion, where bandits would definitely chase you outside. redmage12
  8. Hi there. i'm playing skyrim, heavily modded (skyre, sky ui, skse, lots of others). One mod I've never found, so far is a mod that modifies bandit behavior. For instance, bandits never seem to follow you outside a cave or dungeon. When you go back in, it's like the bandits never fought you in the first place. While this might make gameplay easier, this lack of realism really breaks the mood for me. Is there a mod that will make bandits behave more realistically? Thanks, Redmage12
  9. Hello all, I have the latest Skyrim 1.5.26 with SKSE and various mods. When I enter Shalidor's Maze a number of floor/wall tiles are missing. Before I spend loads of time trying to figure out which mod is causing the problem, has anyone seen this before? If so, what mod(s) are causing this? Thanks, Redmage
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