These are two of the best hotkey mods I've ever seen, but unfortunately they don't work together at the moment. Extended Hotkey System is a very well-implemented and unobtrusive mod that simply allows you to create more vanilla-style hotkeys; there's basically no limit to how many you can make, as long as you have enough keys to use them. The biggest advantage it has over mods such as AH Hotkeys, though, is that it has no script lag. Cast Blessed doesn't add any new hotkeys of its own, but instead alters the way vanilla hotkeys handle spells. When you select a hotkeyed spell, rather than equipping it in your hand, it consumes the MP and 'stores' the spell, releasing it when you attack with a weapon, fists, etc. It can't store concentration spells but it otherwise works marvelously, and like AH hotkeys, it has no script lag. I'd absolutely love to use both of these mods in tandem, but installing them both makes it so none of the hotkeys EHS interacts with - including the vanilla ones - can actually store spells. I'd be immensely grateful if somebody made a patch that allows these two mods to get along; from what I understand of how hotkeys work, it seems like this should be possible, but I lack the technical expertise to do it myself. I'd be more than happy to help with the testing phase of things, however. Thanks for hearing me out, either way :)