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About Recon415

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    United States

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  1. EDIT: Goddamn ninjas ^ http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9378 Someone got to it first. :(
  2. I check 5-6 times a day for updates ;_;
  3. I'd like to state right off that I'm a complete noob, and only skimmed the tutorials, and am thus sorry for wasting your time :) I have a mod in the works that where I want to make a carriage that carries you to a location and NPCs treat my new carriage like it doesn't exist. My follower tries to run through it. Any way I can work around this? Thanks.
  4. I'm also counting on you to make my perverted Tamriellic dreams come true.
  5. I would definitely like to see this come into fruition.
  6. Ah, sorry for the late reply. If you can change my name, I would rather the "Recon415" account be banned and "reconunit415" renamed to "Reacon". I'd be willing to pay a sum of 5$ or so to get this done if it's too much of an effort. If not, then just ban "reconunit415" instead.
  7. I've been around here for a while, but under two usernames. This account I've been using for a year or so since I took a break and forgot I had signed up for the site at one point. I recently figured out that I have a much older account named "reconunit415". I wish for this older account's name to be changed to a simple "Reacon" because it is the name I go by now. If not that, then "Reacon4" (yes, I know. I'm so original with that number at the end). However, I am also very anal about my statistics. My hipster attitude makes me cling to a join date as somewhat of a badge of honour, but my unique download statistics and single save-file mod prompts me to ask whether or not it would be easy to "merge" my accounts, so to speak, in addition to this name change. I respect that the Nexus mods are very over-worked right now and probably don't have the patience to cater to a single user's selfish request that matters for naught but his vanity. Regardless, I'd still like to put out this request.
  8. I'm in a bit of a predicament, where most of my weapon worldmodels have the huge dreaded diamond error around them. I've figured out how to combat this by simply installing weapon replacement mods. However, there are far too many, and most tend to modify the weapon beyond what I'd like it to. I was wondering if someone could point me to a complete replacement mod, or how to fix this easily. I have FCOM installed, and Deadly Reflex. Everything else doesn't modify weapon models.
  9. There are a horribly ugly gap between the pip boy and the glove with no texture. Wondering if someone could release something to fix this, or kindly point me where it already exists.
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