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About EdwardNorth

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  1. I hope your holidays were just awesome! Sending you hugs and wishes for the best year ever. Happy New Year! :o)
  2. Hugs & Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your day is beautiful and blessed :o)
  3. Oh and I've still been sick, but better now (time to be well for a while, sheesh!), I'm going to start work on Candelshire's video. It's gonna be short, but hopefully good :o)
  4. Ok, this cracked me up to no end. My nephew came over yesterday and I was showing him the last castle video, he looks at me serious as a heart attack and says....Aunt Tee, can I join NTV cribs? I just laughed, it was so cute!
  5. Thanks, you too! Been playing some Fallout NV. Other than that just working and hittin' the gym.

    Merry Christmas.

  6. A very Merry Christmas Edward! Long time no talk to. I hope all is well in your world! :o)
  7. I gave the Castle a rest this time, lol But you're still invited to see my latest vid. I hope you like! Maybe you are away modifying curtains in a certain bedroom, hmmm? :o) I hope all is well with you Edward!


  8. Hello all, This is the first big mod I've done for Oblivion. I've actually been working on it since November of 2006, but it was always intended to be for personal use only so I didn't dedicate a lot of time to it at first. In recent history I've dusted it off and made a big effort to finish it up because I'm gearing up for my next big playthrough of Oblivion and REALLY want to have this castle as my player home. :D I've put a ton of work into it though and am proud of what I've designed, and felt I should share it with the community and not keep this castle all to myself. =) Here is my rough draft of the blurb for this mod, read up and tell me what you think! Your comments are welcome and encouraged. I posted this on Beth's forums a few days ago, and wanted to post it here as well. [bLURB] Tantrivaylia Intro: You've heard people whispering about it on the streets. When they speak about it, you can hear the sadness in their voices. They say that a small town in Southeastern Cyrodiil, just getting on its feet, is being preyed upon by dark, unknown forces. People are disappearing, and their loved ones are desparate to find them. It serves as a painful reminder of the troubled times we live in and though it may seem insignificant in the wake of the Oblivion crisis, you feel compelled to offer your assistance. As you gather your equipment and ready yourself to depart, your mind wanders about the possibilities of the situation. What will you encounter? Is it a simple case of disappearance by way of misadventure? Or indeed, are there truly dark and evil forces at work? Only YOU have the power to discover the truth... Overview: Tantrivaylia is a modification for Oblivion that features a fun and engaging storyline leading up to ownership of a rather unique castle as well as the clan which inhabits it. There are a number of quests involved and they will take you across the eastern reaches of Cyrodiil. This mod combines elements from a number of things and introduces a bit of new lore but stays true to canon along the way. One important note -- Tantrivaylia incorporates some adult and sexual themes, as well as nudity if you have a nude body mesh installed, and is intended for audiences 18 years of age and older. These themes read and play out more like a steamy romance novel, but there are some very sexual concepts introduced and dialogue discussed during the course of the adventure, so if you are under 18 or are offended by this type of thing, please do not play. No explicit sexual content is included, however. Features: Engaging storyline - I've done my best to make you actually care about each and every character involved. Well... except for the evil ones maybe! =) - Discover remnants of a race thought "lost" to Tamriel and learn the dark secret clouding their existence - Multiple quests and some nice rewards along the way. =) - Dialogue includes empty 10 second MP3 files as well as a stock lip file to add realism and immersion to each and every conversation. Ownership of a unique and nicely equipped castle in a truly beautiful location - Located in the southern reaches of the Valus mountains - Unbelievable views, able to see into 4 different provinces of Tamriel - Unique and scripted items and devices well as secrets to discover - Unique and varied areas with lots of storage, display cases, and stands for mannequins scattered throughout Become the leader of a fully functional clan with over a dozen unique members - Fully scripted AI with full and busy 24 hour schedules including work and play - Each clanmate has their own horse and can mount/dismount by your command when accompanying you - All of them will accompany you at will with no limits. Take the whole clan out for a stroll if your PC can handle it! - Many interactions with each clanmate from dancing to riding horses - Each clanmate can train up to Expert in a specific skill, some trade items Become the savior of a town in need and best friends with some of them - Friends can accompany you the same way clanmates can, and have most of the same features - Townsfolk also all have full 24 hour schedules including duties and downtime - Fun little secrets to discover if you spend time with your friends or do some snooping after dark =) Compatibility: Tantrivaylia should be compatible with just about everything. I'm not sure if unique landscapes affects the castle's or town's area or not, but if so I can make a compatible version for it in the future. The area of the castle has been moderately landscaped (some trees chopped down, others planted, some rocks broken up and a bit o' ground dug up, nothing major!!) but the overall layout of the location is about the same. The affected areas for this mod are the southern reaches of the Valus Mountains and the southern shore of Lake Canulus. How far along is the mod? The mod is just about complete, but I need to finish the AI and dialogue for a few remaining characters as well as finishing a couple small areas. I might be adding more to the mod in the future depending on feedback (maybe some quests to do after the mod's MQ is complete, or other random goodies), but we'll see. Requirements: This mod requires the Shivering Isles expansion pack. I am also using items from a couple other mods (allowable per the disclaimer on those mods) and will be giving proper credit to those fine folks! [/bLURB] Just as a note -- There's not a HUUUUGE amount of fighting in this mod though there is plenty to whet your appetite (and wet your weapons!). BUT.... You need to be pretty strong to get through some of it. I don't want to give anything away but I'd say you should be at least level 20-25 (enemies in the mod are not levelled with the player) to have a chance. Could be wrong but my character who is higher than that level with some pretty uber and OP'd equipment always has her hands full at certain points. It's fun that way! :D I'm looking forward to the replies, updating, and releasing this for y'all. Here are some screenies. I don't want to show too much of the goodies as I'd like you all to discover them for yourselves, but here you can see what I'm going for in terms of style and substance with Tantrivaylia. An aerial view of Castle Tantrivaylia nestled into the mountaintop. A nice view from the Master Suite's balcony. The castle's Master Suite at daytime. The castle's Master Suite at nighttime. The Master Bath. Looking back at the entrance to the Master Bath. The castle's Library. The castle's Dining Hall. A view of the village. One of the villagers. Another of the villagers, one which you can befriend and spend time with. And finally, Sarah hopes that you enjoy playing Tantrivaylia every bit as much as her alter ego did in creating it! Looking forward to the replies and feedback. Thanks guys!
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