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About Shibster89

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  1. Idk, im sitting its 2:30am, creepin on the forums... I thought whats up in mod talk. I saw someone talking about a shield. I love Captain America. So I thought Id toss the out the idea to make a World War II Captain America armor set, along with shield as a Unarmed, or Melee - I think it'd work for both. If anyone would actualy consider this. Let me know and I can post pictures. Thanks :huh:
  2. I do not feel Over powered when higher level, I just get the feeling iv devoloped my characted truely to my standards, more options means - a more unique you. Idk the type 3 stuff. Figured id put my word out on the perk every level. good mod.
  3. Soo.. Yeah When I read the updates on Steam, I got excited. thinking wow what a Coincidence, I finally decide to speak up about the problem that iv never heard anyone else experience. I then learn that other people are experiencing it. Even better! Steam releases a patch that addresses it! ...Unfortunatly... This particular patch didnt fix it. Still happens... :wallbash:
  4. Your explantion sounds better, I had just heard people say there was no barber shop.. funny thing I havnt even gone in the kings building yet... iv walked past it like 100 times over now.. :wallbash:
  5. i had just gotten to the strip on 71 hours.... and I totally regret going in there... SO MUCH STUFF TO DO!!! SO MANY DECISIONS!!! ARGGH!
  6. The less said about Bethesdas animations the better, games in the 90's used mocap yet Bethesda still stick to their poorly animated robots. Just look at the jump animation in Morrowind, Oblivion and FO3, the character leaves the ground and freezes until they land again. so true, im glad they made a decent jumping animation, now we need diagonal running!
  7. First question you asked, I have no idea what your talking about. Perk Every Level mod is great. A definte must have, normally you get a perk every even level (2,4,6,8,10,etc.) As far as hair mods go, Iv seen i think Rens beauty pack on there somewhere, I know he did some stuff for Oblivion back when, I appreciated his work a lot back then. I dont use any hair mods, I personally like the default hair, its more immersive then seeing everyone running around with pretty plastic looking hair. Like they just came out a barbie package. The original hairs look better, imo. [EDIT] There are no barbers in this game... which kinda sucks. but there is a console command to bring up the barber menu hit the ~ key and type in Showplasticsurgeonmenu or Showsurgeronmenu. Idk remember which it is. Another mod I could reccomend, that i use... If you dont like the heavy RPG feel of the game where it takes 60 bullets to the face to kill someone. Look up Arwen's Realisim Mod. Makes the game feel more tangible and you dont come out fighting like a wet towel. It changes a lot'a things but its all VERY VERY well balanced.
  8. yeah i get the in ground scorpions as well... I have yet to see anyone mention a problem that im having, im begining to think its a bug god specially made for me... Lever-Action rifles, and Revolvers... When I reload. in 1st person, the animation goes - finishes - and then... cant shoot or aim for about 3 seconds. 3rd person, same thing sorta, anime goes - finishes - and then... my character kinda gets stuck in whichever movning animation they were in while reloading and then move with the gun in hand as if its holsterd. so ill be sitting there with the trail carbine or cowboy repeater in one hand lookin like im holding it like a sword. and same with revolvers. the 3 seconds apply to the 3rd person as well. everything just snaps back after it. Anyone else seen this? I dont know if its a bug with the quick reload perk or not, cause i didnt notice it untill after I got it.
  9. Actually, i dont know if its just me... or if its a bug in general. but level action guns and revolvers are kinda broken to me... sometimes... not all the time... when I reload. the animation finishes but I cant shoot or aim down sight for a couple seconds, thats in first person. When in third person the reload animation finishes then my character procedes to run like they are not carryin' a gun. basically holding the weapon but they move as if it was holsterd. This is only with lever action and revolvers iv had this problem with. maybe thats what hes speakin of? Everything else hes said sounded pretty harsh, but I think swish is sorta being a jerk about it.
  10. lol I do sometimes, but its never a definite kind of RP. Its always somthing stupid like how would I (in that situation) react. Iv always enjoyed RPGs for that reason, I place myself in that situation and do what Id actually do in real life. im still doing my first play though, 82 hours in. I made three characters before I finally decided to move on, so about 15 of those hours are bulls***. On my next play through, I think I may take some serious consideration into how my character will be, as far as personality, I kinda want to be a evil character. since i havnt really dont anything bad except steal a few things here and there... I just want to be a bad ass mofo and be like.... " I like that hat... and that gun.... Think Ill take it from you.... *BLAOW!*" to the dome peice. whats yours is mine and whats mine sure as hell aint yours. :) probably gonna play a evil bandito kinda thing next time round. or just a eveil cowboy/girl if you prefer.
  11. 'ShowPlasticSurgeonMenu' doesn't have that issue though, as far as I know. Niiice find!
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