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About Ravennexus

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  1. Thanks. And there is no issue that I need to know the wattage of the graphics card, I just simply wanted to know, which I do now. Your right though on battery playing games it wouldn't last 2 hours but on standard usage it actually lasts just over 4 hours.
  2. Hi Can someone please help and tell me where I put the Fallout 4 high fps physics fix as in the exact folder it goes in please and also is there a program out there that will tell me what wattage the RTX 2060 is in my laptop please as I'm told most new ones are the 115w version, my laptop is a Legion 5p with the Ryzen 4800H cpu. Thanks
  3. Okay thanks, Worked it out in the meantime lol, it was just running really slow so I got hold of a mod that makes my character actually seem as if it's running instead of a walk-run lol
  4. When I don't connect my XBOX 360 controller to the PC it says press shift to run or caps lock to run constantly, yet when using the XBOX 360 controller I can't run? What's that all about? I've tried all the buttons and not one makes my character run?
  5. Oh so if I gather what you're saying correctly, Basically if you choose to use godmode etc during that play session then save the game with godmode enabled, if you reload the game (SESSION) you will be able to get achievements again as long as the console isn't opened? Or even if you save the game with godmode enabled in the new session it WON'T have godmode enabled unless you go back into the console (essentially freezing achievements) which would be the way I'd have programmed it to work anyway if I'd have written the game. I personally won't be cheating on this game anyway (well the first time round anyway) the same as with Fallout 3, only because I think it's pointless playing a game for the 1st time around if the challenge is taken away, where as the 2nd time around playing from start to finish you already know everything/every location so you can just relax with godmode enabled :D
  6. Well I've read in several places regarding the new game that using the console does indeed kill being able to get achievements from the point you cheat RE: Use godmode command in the console, and the only way to get achievements to work again is by loading a savegame BEFORE any cheats have been inputted, that's why I asked. Because I won't be using godmode or anything like that because it spoils the sense of achievement for me plus the game no longer becomes a challenge if I can't die lol, I just didn't want to use any mods if they blocked achievements but you've said they won't, just out of interest after you've used godmode etc have you still personally got achievements and it's popped up saying so or had you got all the achievements before using the cheats?
  7. If I use any of the mods such as this one Faster Running will it disable steam achievements because it thinks i'm cheating by using a mod?? The reason I ask is because people who have actually been cheating re: Enabling godmode and such in the console have found that steam achievements no longer work for them, I know the achievements aren't super special or do anything but I just like them lol.
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