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Everything posted by colebylamoreau

  1. I have been trying to accomplish a similar task. I tried many different combinations including your exact setup. Some of the functions in the quest script would function, some would not. Also I was still able to spam the activation. Another weird issue, when I added the properties from the quest script to the perk fragment the previously non functioning functions would get performed... Papyrus is killing me, fragments even more so. Edit: I managed to accomplish my goal by creating a global variable, using it to set an int in the fragment, then using if/else. So far its working well. ;BEGIN CODEint Running = MyGlobal.GetValueInt() If Running == 0 MyGlobal.SetValue(1) ;do stuff ;do more stuff ;continue doing stuff MyGlobal.SetValue(0) Else Endif;END CODEEndFunction;END FRAGMENT Then I added a condition to my custom activator that also checked for the global and removed the custom activator while the script is running (global is 1)
  2. I would like to make the perk selection menu have multiple "pages" one for each special start. Then the perks could be laid out more like Skyrim where there could be several parallel branches which require higher level and higher special to progress in each branch. For instance, since a persons' strength would not dictate their ability to re-engineer things, gun nut, blacksmith, and armorer all start at Intelligence of 4 with the next stages available at 5, 6, 7 etc. Or you can get the first levels of animal friend, wasteland whisperer, and intimidating at Charisma 6 then move up from there. I've tried to do this a little with the CK. But if you have more then one perk start at the same special level, it starts jumbling up the poster and some perks disappear entirely from it.
  3. Worked for me, but it was just CreationKit.ini Just pasted it in at the bottom of the [General] section. Thanks
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