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Posts posted by 5zambies

  1. So, this happened a week back, I was on the nexus mod manager installing some mods when this annoying trace log error warning kept popping up that kept closing the mod page. I exited the mod manager and the next day I loaded my save at the sleeping giant inn but my mods weren't working, I went back on the mod manager to see what happened and I found that there were only 2 plugins available, and all they did was activate vanilla skyrim. EVEN THE DLC PLUGINS ARE GONE. Ive searched all over youtube, yahoo, google, bing, nexus tech support (actually scratch that, I couldn't find nexus tech support). nobody anywhere knows how to fix this problem let alone whats causing this problem, its like the very first time in nexus history this bug has happened due to an update. so, enough of my ramblings, does anyone here know how to retrieve missing mod/dlc plugins?

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