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Everything posted by 7thsealord

  1. My system doesn't have the grunt to properly handle certain BIG mods. But I always found this one - http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10663 - entirely adequate for my close-in mutant-busting and raider-gibbing needs. BOOM, baby!
  2. I use Stimpacks and RadAway, and occasionally Rad-X and Mentats for special occasions. Otherwise, don't bother with the other stuff except as trade goods. When the inevitable happen, I prefer to start shooting or swinging ASAP rather than take time out to dose myself up.
  3. OK, on the grand scale of FO3 weirdness, this isn't a biggie, but it did get a o_O "Huh????" response from me. One of my favourite FO3 activities is 'taking out the trash' in places like Paradise Falls. Usually, I'll conduct all business I need to beforehand (buy Clover, help the Lamplight kids, etc.). Then, wait until late PM / very early AM, slip on the Stealth suit, ready some silenced weapons, sneak in and start assassinating bad guys. Loads of fun. This time, thought I would start with Eulogy Jones and work down from there. Trouble was, I couldn't find him (or Silver). They weren't in Jones's pad (very late, as I said) or wandering around outside. Having looked everywhere else and killed everybody else that I wanted to, decided to look in on the Clinic. Wasn't planning to kill the Doctor since she doesn't fight so, hey, letting her live seems reasonable to me. Those of you who have checked out the PF Clinic will know that the Doctor's sleepspace is a mattress in what is basically a walk-in closet/storeroom at the back. So, I go inside and the radar shows that the Doc has company .... Yep, you probably guessed by now. Eulogy Jones and Silver were out back, with the Doctor. Both came charging out at once and I didn't get to check things out further, but it was definitely a "Huh???" moment for me. Still trying to figure it out. OK, Eulogy was PF's boss, so wherever he chose to party and how, and with whom, was up to him. But he had a perfectly adequate pad right next door, so ... I gotta wonder - did the smell of disinfectant or de-lousing powder really "work" for him or what?
  4. There also several good mods for providing additional Perks. I find that, once past L30, Perk options narrow a great deal. You usually have all the really GOOD Perks by then, and find yourself looking at the "Meh..." ones simply because there is nothing else to take.
  5. As I understand it (and I could be wrong), the Stealth suit doesn't make the Sneak skill useless. Just means you are much much better at staying hidden when using both. Besides, whilst some people might wear the Stealth suit all the time, I don't. There are far better protective armours out there, so I prefer to keep the Stealth suit in reserve, for those ... "special occasions". ;)
  6. I would definitely put up the 'DC Interiors' mod as VERY worthwhile.
  7. Enclave troopers show up more and more as you progress in levels, before vault 112 ever comes up. They are automatically hostile, unlike the BOS and Outcasts one might encounter. As far as I can tell, they very often spawn singly near the water tower East of Megaton, the water tower NE of Fairfax Heights and just to the NE of Dukov's Place. Taking them down does not mess up the overall plotline in any way. If you have gained the Outcast trade deal, Enclave armours are a very highly valued item.
  8. No worries, dude. This is the place for that. The wiki stuff is usually very useful. As regards the Armory locking / not locking, my own experience is that it is ... idiosyncratic. Sometimes it will lock after just one return, and sometimes not until several have been made. Don't ask me why. Relative, maybe. I know some people really enjoy playing Evil, and I have no problem with them doing so. It just isn't for me, and never was. May not ALWAYS be the perfect do-gooder (sometimes taking stuff that ain't mine, what can I say?), but I enjoy the notion of mostly making things better one way or another. The Gauss Rifle is good, even with its problems (rate of fire, durability, etc.) - and there are various mods that make it even better. The Power Armour is durn good. For me, the REAL pick of the loot has always been the Stealth suit. Sure, you can get similar effects just by using Stealth Boys but they are limited in every way. I like using the Stealth suit to "go after" places like Paradise Falls, Evergreen Mills or Fort Bannister. Park my Companions nearby, then just sneak in with silenced weapons and some explosives (for the 'Shady Sands Shuffle', of course ;) ), and just go for it. Then go collect my waiting Companions when it's looting time. The Stealth suit is also handy for the endgame in 'The Pitt', if you are disinclined to kill loads of slaves for example.
  9. Pretty much. Take the diplomatic route to get humans and ghouls co-existing - the ghouls then turn around and kill all the others. Most of the Tenpenny humans are no great loss but (with the definite exception of Mr Tenpenny himself) probably don't deserve that. As you say, kill off the ghouls at any point, and Three Dog just gives you c##p about it. Might be a little fun to be had chasing out the humans but - compared to Evergreen Mills, Paradise Falls or even Springdale High - Tenpenny Towers is a pushover. I just "let it be" (other than killing Tenpenny, natch). Absolutely zero gain (for you or the Wastes) to be had whichever choice is made. There is a mod that turns Roy Masters 'Very Evil' (as he should be) and another that supposedly stops the ghouls from massacring the humans, but some more choices would be nice.
  10. "No Crash", no. Plenty of patches and mods that aid stability to some degree. IF you haven't already done so - Install the Disabler for 'Games For Windows Live', if your game uses that. Guaranteed that will reduce crashes by nearly 50%. Kill the Autosave. Completely, and just do all saves manually. Guaranteed that will reduce crashes even more.
  11. .... Though you do get a crapload of extra stuff to plunder. All that Outcast Power Armour and all their weapons. Plus all the odds'n'ends in the other rooms. The Dungeoneer's Creed - 'Anything not nailed down is mine. Anything I can pry loose is not nailed down'. :) Unless you have made special arrangments as regards carrying capacity (mods, companions waiting outside, etc.), you often need to make multiple trips to get it all. Not that I'd complain. Anyhow, all here - http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Operation:_Anchorage_%28add-on%29 In short, monsterOmash, don't sweat it - you did absolutely nothing wrong. That confrontation automatically triggers when you take the T-51 Power Armour, and is every bit as railroaded as the Tenpenny Towers peace deal. Your relationship with the Outcasts and the BOS are unaffected. Besides, consider just how dick-ish this particular bunch is. McGraw's only redeeming feature is that he tries to keep his deal with you - but this is the same guy who condones the torture/murder of a helpless prisoner and who announces (amongst other things) that he "wouldn't trust a Wastelander to polish his armour". The Scribe is loyal to McGraw, but an incredibly rude and obnoxious b###h otherwise. Sibley is a prime candidate for retroactive birth-control, nothing more. Nothing to regret there.
  12. I have a great deal of respect for just how well nature can bounce back from what we dish out to it. Chernobyl may be too radioactive for safe human habitation, but nature is well on the way to reclaiming the area. Which is one reason I play FO3 with mods adding trees and so forth. Two hundred years? Sure, plenty of radioactivity still around (though much less than just after The War), but plenty of life as well. Green tint or no green tint? IMO, too minor a detail to get worked up about, though others might.
  13. Like most people, you mod your game to suit yourself. I'm not fussed about the green either way. You like the green, by all means keep it (keep the Lore Nazis happy, if nothing else ;) ).
  14. 235. Forcibly amputating body parts is neither a recommended interrogation technique nor a viable form of tech salvage. 236. It is OK to not like or trust strangers. But if they have things you need and are willing to deal, then at least be polite. 237. It is unquestionable that deal-breaking and murder happen in the Wastes. But trying to do both to someone standing in a cache full of high-tech weaponry is just 'Darwin Award' stupid.
  15. Haven't gone near NV. Mainly because I only got "into" FO3 relatively recently. Still a great deal I haven't done there, and repetition (as in starting new games) doesn't bother me. Also, even if I had the money, means and machine to get into NV tomorrow, I wouldn't. After all the trials and travails of getting FO3 up to playability, I would rather enjoy what I have gained and also wait a while on NV. Give a big timeframe for the bugs to be worked out and for a large stockpile of mods to accumulate. I'm in no hurry.
  16. I handle Paradise Falls in two separate steps. First step, I opt for bribery to get in, then contact the kids, talk to Eulogy (to buy Clover, possibly buy out the kids, get at his terminal, etc.), scout out the joint, work up some righteous anger at these Slaver dirtwads, etc.. I then leave. Second step. Park all Companions (especially Clover, if I got her) outside and some distance away. Ready a good silenced weapon or two (my favourites are alexscorpion's silenced M82 sniper rifle and Uncle Shub's Multipilebunker) and have either a whole bunch of Stealth Boys or the Anchorage Stealth suit (preferably the latter). Wait until nightfall and sneak in solo, quietly killing bad guys as I go - usually in ones and twos, and from behind. I give EXTREMELY high priority to that structure in the centre of the PF compound - the guys up there have cover, a terrific field of fire and almost always heavy weapons. Groove on up the stairs, take them all out at close range, and just carry on. Most times, I get half or more of the Slavers before they get seriously stirred up. By which time, of course, it is too late. Loads of fun.
  17. I know Real Time Settler (RTS) is both very detailed and well regarded, but it is too heavy-duty for my liking. IMO, kind of like running 'SimCity' when you're one of the 'Sims', if you get my meaning. Realize this is a very tall order, but I would like to see a smaller settlement mod. Basically, the sort of mod where you just park it someplace (a caravan of refugess, maybe?), and it will develop more or less on its own. The LW can choose to provide cash or do a few mini-Quests in order to help things along. Got 'Tec-Vault', which includes this lovely walled-off area for building a settlement (intended by the modder for RTS), but would be nice to be able to put something there. I'm more of a 'Explore, Find and Kill' player, but am not adverse to a little Empire-building - if only somebody else could handle all the paperwork. ;)
  18. Could be wrong, but I THINK I heard there are major issues when running the game on a dual-core processor system. Believe there is a mod on the Nexus done specifically to deal with this, but don't know where / what. In general, IF you haven't already done so: Kill the Autosave completely. Manual saves only, seriously. Doing just this one thing alnost halved my starting crash rate. If using 'Games For Windows Live', install the Disabler (from Nexus, again) NOW. G4WL does nothing but clag up your system.
  19. All depends what mods you have (if any). Buy up big on ammo and Stimpacks. You NEVER can have too much of them. There is always the Poor Box at Rivet City's church. Get your Megaton House fully kitted out. Even if you hardly ever use it, it is a nice place to park any Companions in their downtime and it's good to have anyhow. One mod puts a bookstore in Rivet City, so you can seriously splurge in Skill Book purchases. One Regulator mod allows you to buy (and then maintain) some pretty substantial defences around Regulator HQ - laser turrets and so forth. 'Tec-Vault' gives an incredibly nice Player Home to work for. Once you have it, you can then spend caps on upgrades, including defences and an expensive but BEAUTIFUL museum / display area. Buy up big on all the Schematics you can get, then build some of the weapons and take them out for test firing. C'mon, be honest, you NEVER wanted to build a 'Rock-It Launcher' just to take out a nasty or two with COFFEE CUPS or TEDDY BEARS???? Buy or otherwise acquire expensive ordnance, fix them all up as much as possible, then Reverse-Pickpocket them on the NPCs of your choice. In my games, the citizens of Big Town (and other locales) tend to get kitted out in Talon Company armours and so forth, but there is no reason why you couldn't just buy what you want for them. Undoubtedly lots of other options. This is just all I can think of right now, based on the mods I have used.
  20. Tell you something. If I EVER saw a Care Bear that looked like that, I'd be trying to euthanize it damn quick. Care Bears in the Wastes? o_O That ain't right.
  21. I think you're wrong, Zene. I'm pretty sure Moira was born crazy
  22. All I can think of that MIGHT work is to use a console command to get both in one place. Maybe that will fix things - "moveto", perhaps. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3_console_commands
  23. Well, he didn't actually try to kill you. That has to count for something. I really dislike bullies too. But (IMO), compared to other folks out there in the game (or in Real Life :) ), Butch is not even on the list. Hey, the guy really wants to be a hairdresser, fer cryin' out loud.
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