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About haidaboy

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  1. My worst experiences have been dialogue related. Such things as being called Brynjolf's new protege all the time when u are the head of the thieves guild, new guy at the college when u are arch mage, and similar. Then there is the fact that in order to adopt a child from the orphanage in Hearthfire, u must have killed Grelod beforehand. Like when do they let murderers adopt children? There are a lot of inconsistencies of various types in the game. And there are not enough dialogue choices for the characters either. How many times do u hear the "lollygagging", "sweetroll", "hail sithis", etc etc repeated ad nauseum. Still, all of this is relative minor and really doesn't detract from the game too badly. It really just amuses me more than it irritates.
  2. I think you have to change a couple of settings in Nifskope. In "BSLightingShaderProperty" highlighted in Nifskope, go to the "block details" and make sure the first line has the entry "glow shader" for the value of "Skyrim Shader Type" Then you also must have a glow map (which u can create in your image editor....dds format of course). White areas will glow the most, black will not. Just use your texture as a template to create the glow map. If I recall correctly, the glowmap must be referenced as the 3rd entry in your "BSTextureShaderSet" block. Then under "BSLightingShaderProperty" I think you will need to adjust your "emissive colour" setting also. I had just left mine to all white and it worked fine (all white is R G and B all set to 1.000). I hope this has helped. I'm not too experienced with all of this either, but I did manager to get my glowing lettering to work in this way.
  3. Could this be from the room bounds? I think you need to place portals where you want to be able to see through. With your interior cell loaded In the creation kit, at the top, click the "view" tab and then click "show hide windows". Tick the box by "portals and rooms". Then you might have to F5 to refresh and it will show if there are any room bounds or portals in the cell. I'm not sure this is your problem, but it can't hurt to check.
  4. U need to put it more like this: Event onActivate() setobjectivecompleted aaahytri 10 1 EndEvent My scripting is crappy, but I think it might work this way. That "endif" line doesn't have a previous "if" line to match it up. Did the script even compile?
  5. I'm sorry this is not a direct reply to your question. But Andrew made a book with an original texture (at least the cover is original). It is in this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=11967 You can probably figure out how he did it by looking at his files. His mods are all free to use so you can also use the book without asking if you want.
  6. Thank you for this. People like you make this site so great for us slow learner types...like me. I really appreciate the time you spent to help.
  7. My help may not be much, but I will take a look at your sword. Others have helped me on here, so I can at least try for u. Don't expect too much from me though. I'm definitely in the newbie class here.
  8. Here is a link to the Nehrim downloads: http://nehrim.de/dataDV.html But just checking; Did u disable "User Account Control" (UAC) in Windows Vista before installing Nehrim? Also with Windows Vista and Windows 7, they have suggested that u install the game into a different directory than the default. And not in the "program files" (or "program files (x86)" folder). I just made another folder on my C drive called "SureAI" and put it there. Seems to work fine there.
  9. The only other thing I can think of (other than game corruption) is that maybe you lost the teleporter rune for the sanctum (or maybe accidentally put it in your secure chest). It's been a while since I played this game so I'm not exactly sure what mission u are referring to. This link: http://nehrim.wikia.com/wiki/Nehrim_Wiki might be of some assistance to u.
  10. If I remember correctly, at some point in that game, various teleport stations are blocked and u have to do a quest to unblock them. Maybe the Sanctum station is one of the blocked ones.
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