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  1. I've been working on a quest mod for a couple of days, loading up the .esp fine with no warnings. Now I'm consistently getting "File '(The .esp I'm loading)' contains forms which generated warnings on load. Check the EditorWarnings.txt file for <CURRENT> warnings." every time I add an NPC to one of my custom areas. Reverting back to an older version of the mod and loading that gets rid of the warning and loads fine but upon recreating the NPC from scratch and adding them back into the new area, the warnings return. So I'm wondering: Are these warnings anything actually significant or just another strange quirk of the creation kit? I'm just confused as surely adding one NPC wouldn't break the game, would it? I'm just very confused and would appreciate some help, thanks.
  2. I'm wondering on how to make custom holotapes that play recorded spoken audio, like the one you receive from your spouse after you leave vault 111. So dialogue working pretty much the same as it does in regularly, with subtitles and the little breaks between each chunk of spoken word, but from a holotape. I'm surprised that there doesn't seem to be any tutorials on this as it seems like a pretty basic thing people would want to know for their mods. The few tutorials I've found closest to this deal with adding playable music tapes which don't include subtitles and also edit the vanilla Fallout 4 holotapes quest which, by my understanding of modding anyway, seems like a bad idea since it's making an edit to a vanilla record which I'm pretty sure increases the chance of conflicts with other mods. Any ideas?
  3. Ok, good to know! I don't need any voice acting talent myself at the moment but I'll be sure to keep a note of this as you're obviously very talented.
  4. Are you offering to provide voice acting for free or no? I'm confused as with mod projects it's the norm that money doesn't get involved and people offer their efforts voluntarily, but you've also offered a fiverr link. I'm not trying to say that there's anything wrong with wanting to get paid but it would be nice to have some clarification of what your intent is.
  5. I'm currently creating a brand new armour set, the kind that comes as separate arm, torso and leg pieces. I've modelled the armour and created the textures though I have yet to set up any materials for the .Nifs or convert the textures to .DDS. Here is what the armour is supposed to look like. http://i.imgur.com/S43QkE4.jpg The problem that I'm having now is rigging the armour for use in game using outfit studio. I've done some very, very basic rigging in outfit studio before (I made a simple park ranger hat.) but when I attempted to use the same techniques I had before something obviously went wrong. This is how my attempt at rigging the Torso piece of the armour turned out. http://i.imgur.com/8n3pGyP.jpg I assumed that weight painting the chest section to bones like “Chest” and the groin plate to “Pelvis Skin” that it'd at least be somewhere close to the body. I've also attempted cloning the bone influences from a vanilla armour but that ends up with it kinda melting into the player character. Anyway, I'm a total noob at this so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  6. I hadn't written any scripts at that point. This was from just trying to set up the property. [update] Went back into the creation kit after leaving it for a few hours. Worked first try. No idea why but it seems to be working fine now. Thanks for the help!
  7. On attempting to create the property for the quest I keep getting this error message: Papyrus Compiler Version for Fallout 4 Copyright © ZeniMax Media. All rights reserved. Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "Fragments:TopicInfos:TIF_2T_TommyCompQuest_0101B1FF"... C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\Fragments\TopicInfos\TIF_2T_TommyCompQuest_0101B1FF.psc(20,6): Unknown user flag t_01campsitequest C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\Fragments\TopicInfos\TIF_2T_TommyCompQuest_0101B1FF.psc(28,15): script property PTT_01CampsiteQuest already defined C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\Fragments\TopicInfos\TIF_2T_TommyCompQuest_0101B1FF.psc(28,15): script variable ::PTT_01CampsiteQuest_var already defined C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\Fragments\TopicInfos\TIF_2T_TommyCompQuest_0101B1FF.psc(28,15): script property PTT_01CampsiteQuest already has a get function defined C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\Fragments\TopicInfos\TIF_2T_TommyCompQuest_0101B1FF.psc(30,15): script property P2T_01CampsiteQuest already defined C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\Fragments\TopicInfos\TIF_2T_TommyCompQuest_0101B1FF.psc(30,15): script variable ::P2T_01CampsiteQuest_var already defined C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\Fragments\TopicInfos\TIF_2T_TommyCompQuest_0101B1FF.psc(30,15): script property P2T_01CampsiteQuest already has a get function defined C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\Fragments\TopicInfos\TIF_2T_TommyCompQuest_0101B1FF.psc(32,15): script property P2T_01CampsiteQuest already defined C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\Fragments\TopicInfos\TIF_2T_TommyCompQuest_0101B1FF.psc(32,15): script variable ::P2T_01CampsiteQuest_var already defined C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\Fragments\TopicInfos\TIF_2T_TommyCompQuest_0101B1FF.psc(32,15): script property P2T_01CampsiteQuest already has a get function defined No output generated for Fragments:TopicInfos:TIF_2T_TommyCompQuest_0101B1FF, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on Fragments:TopicInfos:TIF_2T_TommyCompQuest_0101B1FF
  8. So I've been creating a conversation and would like to set the stage of a quest when the NPC says something. It's just the only method I've seen of doing this requires the dialogue scene to be attached to the same quest as the stage you want to set. I want to set the stage of a different quest. I've seen the papyrus fragment boxes in the Topic Info window and assume they work similarly to the result scripts from the GECK but I can't seem to get a script to compile correctly. Any suggestions?
  9. So I followed this tutorial on creating new legendary items to create a unique version of the standard flannel shirt under armor and set it up so that when the quest runs the outfit spawns inside a new NPC's inventory. Problem is that I want the NPC to be wearing the new legendary outfit when the player first meets them and spawning an item in an NPC's inventory no longer means that they'll automatically equip it. I've looked at the script form and there doesn't seem to be a way to get it to be added to the NPC's outfit. So I was wondering if anyone has any kind of solution to this, Thanks.
  10. I've created a new unique weapon that has an enchantment attached to it that is supposed to cause paralysis for 60 seconds and a small amount of electrical damage. While the effect seems to operate just as intended 100% of the time on my system, across multiple save games and in un-modded and heavily modded versions of the game, when the mod is run on another system (as in a playtester's game) the paralysis effect seems to either not work, only doing the small amount of electrical damage OR partially work, only paralysing a select few types of enemies. To make things stranger I've had the same exact version of the mod work on one system fine but then not function correctly on another and had one system where the paralysis effect functioned in one save game but then not at-all in the other all for no discernible reason. I'm really stumped as to what could be causing problem and would really appreciate some help. Thanks.
  11. Oh boy, been looking forward to the proper quest mods to start appearing. Good luck!
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