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About Andy12798

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  1. Ok so again I'm making a mod with a new worldspace and city. But now, I create the new worldspace and have it all done in the heightmap editor, but as soon as I add an item to the new worldspace or edit the landscape, (I'm not sure which) whole cells of the Tamriel worldspace disappear, such as the Imperial Waterfront and the Anvil Docks. Is there any way to fix this problem? I really don't want to start a new mod since i've gotten so far, and anyway, It happened the last time too.
  2. Actually my problem was solved when I merged the .esp which had the cities and the .esm with the landscape. I don't know whether that was the actual solution or what :L
  3. i was thinking that too actually at one point! But then I made a cell which was just a duplicate of Weynon Priory, and tried to connect a door into it but even that one disappeared. Oh and for some reason the doors won't even connect to a cell which was already in vanilla oblivion :s Thanks anyway :)
  4. So basically, i'm making a mod which adds a city and land into a new worldspace. But i've done it with one master .esm which is just the land and regions. Then I made a second .esp with just the buildings and cave entrances and so on, but now I've come to making the interiors, I can add static objects and change the land and all, but when I try and connect two doors together they disappear in game. I can place them and see them in game as long as they aren't teleporting anywhere, but as soon as i connect them they just disappear completely, any help to fix this would be helpful! I am a fairly confident modder with a fairly advanced understanding of the CS. Thanks in advance.
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