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About kithylin2

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  1. You don't need a mod for this. You can do it yourself via the console. I make legendary items in the game via the console all the time, even of unique guns. Here's the resources I use: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-pOPlZ34HSUS27gY809l9MkI7o1v3O2clzMYYTDNxco/edit#gid=704655117 https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/531?tab=bugs Drop a weapon on the ground -> open console -> click on it -> roll the mouse wheel until it says WEAP " -> type in it's displayed code (like FF0B850C for example) -> FF0B850C.amod ######## where ######## = modifier code. The modifier codes are in the two resources I linked above. Weapons and armor have 3 allowed modifiers. You can pick 1 from each category. Once you have selected one from each of the 3 your item becomes legendary. Easy.
  2. Speaking of Negative PR towards AMD ... you are doing that exact thing right now. Do you work for Nvidia? It sure reads like you do.
  3. Someone created a mod and I commented about how their mod is not working and even told them how to reproduce the part that wasn't working. I went to bed. I woke up the next morning to look at the same mod on the website again only to find my comment deleted and apparently... a mod author can ban us from commenting on their mod and delete our comments? What? Why would you even allow this? Pre-Programmed censorship? What the heck were you thinking about when you allowed this on your website? This is the first time I have actually tried to help someone with their mod they made and I can definitely tell you this is the last time. I will never waste my time trying to help someone ever again after this experience. What a load of bull poop!
  4. Upgrading our ships is very difficult as we play the game because newer tier modules are expensive (B class and C class) and it's made even more difficult because all the money we spent on previous A-class modules only sell for 10% (or less) of the credits we spent to buy them. Could someone make a mod that would make all ship parts sell back at the full price we paid for them when we bought them please? This would also change the game so stealing ships and selling them would actually be highly profitable and a worthwhile thing to do. Right now we register ships and after registration fees we can only sell the ship for about 2000 credits above the registration fee. That's because it's parts are under-valued and the total value of the ships isn't calculated correctly. Like my main ship: I used some mods to allow me to bypass a lot of the building restrictions and I've sunk over 300,000 credits into it's upgrades. But it says it's valued at only 18,000 credits because the parts are valued at 10% of original price. I think this seriously needs fixing.
  5. I would do it myself if I knew how but I don't know how. Is there any possible way someone could create a mod to completely disable sniper wobble/sway when zoomed in? As it is sniper rifles are virtually useless in this game because they wobble/sway/hunt all over the place making it very difficult to ever get a head shot.
  6. There was an adjustable zoom scopes mod for fallout new vegas, which is (mostly) the same game engine as Fallout 4. So I'm sure it's possible, just someone has to actually do it. Sorry for digging up an old thread but this is the first result on google for "Fallout 4 adjustable zoom scope" and I wanted to add that someone else had done it. The FONV adjustable zoom scope mod was removed from the nexus because it made FONV terribly unstable with crashes to desktop frequently. But it did work, most of the time. I still have a copy of the original.
  7. you misunderstand gaming completely, "advances" in gaming means higher polys in models which results in greater detail. In other words, more poly's = better looking npc's, less poly's = going back in time to ancient low-poly graphics from games before marrowind
  8. I'm hoping for disenchatnable staves, so we can then re-apply those enchants to other weapons Also.. marryable khajiit is my real dream mod!
  9. performance was mentioned because all those little "useless clutter" items laying around all have triangles and textures on them just like everything else in the world. Removing them = less that your system has to render while playing the game, and thus better performance, although probably a minute performance increase... still, it would be some, and that's the only actual logical reason i could think of for removing trash/clutter.
  10. It's called atmosphere and it's supposed to be designed to give you a sense of what the various areas are like, it's part of the gaming experience. Similar to fallout games... I happen to like the clutter, it gives a sense of what the various areas were like long ago when they were actually in use in the past.. you know.. since most of the areas in Skyrim are 200+ years old, some crypts are much older than that if you follow the lore. The miscellaneous stuff laying around doesn't harm anything, although if you you think your video card's being slowed down by misc junk laying about.. you should probably upgrade your hardware before playing the game in the first place. Also about bumping: most forums on the internet have rules against bumping your own threads even once. It's considered very bad forum etiquette and a pretty high percentage of forum sites on the internet will have the admins permanently ban you without question for multiple bumps. When I see a topic that has 8 replies, It makes me think there's been some kind of actual information exchange in that thread, So I click on it.. but seeing "Bump" 8 times is just immature. Just make a thread, and let it go, sometimes threads get replies, sometimes they don't, it's part of the system. But in general, it's usually not worth the risk of banishment to re-bump a lot, you should probably get used to not-bumping now if you're going to use forums on the internet.
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