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  1. Obviously this is something that will need the creation kit to work but anyway: Now, what I mean is the outfit of The Rocketeer and his classic rocketpack from the movie. I mean power armor already has a jetpack so why not have the jetpack man sized too? Just throwing the idea/request out there 'cause, why not? You can blame my nostalgia.
  2. Eh, Honestly. We just need a mod that allows us to map more keys on the keyboard for things like ejecting cores and picking up bodies and items (have exited by accident from my suit tad too many times because the button has multiple functions, quite irritating).
  3. :unsure: Darn I feel like I have many holes in me made by a Avenger minigun... figuratively speaking. The thing is the damn game keeps crashing at certain points like when you get your cyberdog a new brain.. Enclave remnant bunker when you get the Advanced Power Armor Mark II (I call it Mark II because I made it so) and even when you get to the damn Dam.. so yeah i haven't finished the game. And then there are those random crashes which I think that trick here took away.. but not sure haven't tested it yet: http://segmentnext.com/2010/10/19/fallout-new-vegas-errors-crashes-freezes-fixes/ And of course I started a new game about a week ago.. I think I broke my savegames with killing every NCR. :laugh:
  4. I wish there was a Enclave base.. just to show who's the boss! There would be Vertibird assault teams up the ass! No New Vegas.. no Ceaser.. no NCR.. nothing but the Enclave! :laugh: Eh yeah I kind.. sort of.. changed my mind about Brotherhood of Steel. :confused: I realized that they still wear the old T-51b's.. while the Enclave made its major breakthrough in Power Armor technology. Those tests they made to make this badass Advanced Power Armor must have been.. plain bad.. I'm thinking of things like the power source blowing up or wearer cracking his spine while turning or.. yeah well you get the point. :laugh: But in the end.. I f***ing love Enclave's Advanced Power Armor Mark II hands down! :thumbsup: It looks more comfortable to wear than T-51b. Since I like the armor they made.. I just went nuts and started killing NCR and Ceasar's people and people who just pissed me off or tried to take my weapons in casinos.. just like the good old Frank Horrigan and his men liked to do! :laugh: I'm enjoying Fallout New Vegas so much! Just.. can't.. stop.. PLAYING! :wallbash: :laugh: By the way.. did anyone else got about 1000 stimpacks? :unsure: I was just playing and playing.. at one moment when I used stimpacks I saw there were about 100 or so (yeah I keep collecting stuff) and the next time I used stimpacks I was like "WTF!?! 1000 stimpacks!?!" I swear I didn't use the console to put that much stimpacks in my inventory.. it must be some kind of bug or I just happened to hit a jackpot somewhere in the wasteland since I keep stealing and picking up everything. :blink:
  5. Err.. umm.. ever played Fallout 1? Brotherhood of Steel ARE supposed to be like that.. that's the charm they have which I like. Fallout New Vegas developers did a good job putting in the original Brotherhood of Steel faction from Fallout 1.
  6. So you can choose yourself? COOL! Thanks guys! I just got new quest about chasing Benny or something.. What about Helios One? Should I mess around there or go chase Benny first?
  7. First of all I'm a Brotherhood of Steel fan and a honored member (Paladin) and it deeply angers me that NCR dared to screw with BoS at Helios One.. my question is.. will it be alright to just kill all those major factions? I hate them especially those NCR bastards. I just want to go on killing spree and be the king of wasteland. I don't give a rats ass what NCR thinks of me.. my concerns are about Brotherhood of Steel of how to preserve technology and to ensure that wrong people don't get their hands on some advanced piece of technology.
  8. I too hate those worthless ammo packs! I wanna use my Avenger but the ammo pack ruins my Remnant Power Armor.
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