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About Luxobear

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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. meheherrry xmahas toho yohu :)
  2. Have a wonderful Christmas. I wish you all the very best for the holidays and beyond. With love and best wishes Naomi x
  3. Have a wonderful Christmas. I wish you all the very best for the holidays and beyond. With love and best wishes Naomi x
  4. not spoken for a while so hope you're ok hun. Speak soon ok
  5. Ace what you have against me, dawg?
  6. Hello I love you remember?
  7. do not understand.
  8. ACE, YOU HAVE DENIED MY LOVE LONG ENOUGH. Now I demand you love me... Please, PLEASE ace. Oh heck naw, you should be begging for -my- love, suga.
  9. I still have no idea what you are saying... Can you possibly drop the lingo and talk to me straight? No offense, I just have a hard time understanding it when I read it. Text is emotionless, leaving out all clues of intended undertone or context. Also a PM is sufficient :D

    Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


  10. Suga, I'm just a random beautiful person. Nono, don't be offened, I'm trying to give some wonderful advice sweets. Because you and I both know.... So even if I don't get published.. In some ways.. I feel like I already won.
  11. Oh hell naw suga don't you eva say that. You know it's true, believe it or get out. You know what I mean.
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