1. You will need to make your npc a custom race, so it doesn't change any vanilla races. 2. Put your cbbe nifs in a seperate location to your normal body nifs (ie. Skyrim/Data/Meshes/Actors/CBBE/CharcterAssets) 3. Open the ck and load your npc's plug-in. 4. Find the SkinNaked form (under the Armor section), duplicate and rename it to something like SkinNakedCBBE 5. Find NakedTorso, NakedFeet and NakedHands (under the Armor Addon section). Duplicate and rename them something like NakedTorsoCBBE, NakedFeetCBBE and NakedHandsCBBE. 6. In the NakedTorsoCBBE form, load your cbbe nifs under the Biped Model section. Do the same for hands and feet. 7. In the SkinNakedCBBE form, delete evrything from the Models section and add your own NakedTorsoCBBE hands and feet. 8 In your custom npc's race form, go to the body data tab and load SkinNakedCBBE under the Skin section. Check out this thread for more details >>> http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/836154-custom-races-seperate-body-models/