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  1. You're welcome. :thumbsup: I'm glad that it worked. Sorry for the delay in replying but RL has kept me busy and away from here for a little while.
  2. The mod is called............ All +5 Attribute Modifiers The following link should take you to it... http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/2691/? Edit........ Beat me to it!
  3. Personally I prefer the scamp for its fireballs.
  4. That will do nicely, thank you very much! :thumbsup:
  5. Don't know how I managed it but I seem to have caused the forum site bot to misname the comments thread for my mod. :facepalm: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?showtopic=2200999 For some reason instead of the mod name the bot has used the file-name to name the thread, is there any way to correct this please?
  6. Yes you can........ 1. Open the CS 2. Click File\Data and select just Oblivion.esm 3. Wait for the data to load.... 4. Click on Character\Race in the top menu. This opens the Race Panel. 5. In the left of the Race Panel there is a list of all the races, right click on the one that you wish to use as the base for your new race and select Duplicate. This will create a new race which is an exact copy of the original race. 6. Edit the EditorID and name of your new race record. 7. Make any changes that you wish to the new race. 8. Click on Close at the bottom of the Race Panel. 9. Click on File\Save. The CS will ask you to choose between saving as an esp or an esm. Choose esp then enter a file-name for your new mod and click on OK. 10. Don't forget to activate your new mod in your Oblivion launcher of choice. Hope that was of some help? Good luck with your new race mod.
  7. Mediaeval shields often had an extra leather strap, called a guige strap which passed either over the users shoulder or around their neck to take some of the weight of the shield. When the user let go of the shield it would fall and hang by the guige strap either at their side or just behind them. A simple swing of the shoulders will bring the shield back to a position from which it can be grabbed. In addition to what aznguy916 posted above, a lot of middle eastern and asiatic bows often had a combined bow-case/quiver that could be slung across the back when not attached to their horse furniture.
  8. I've just put together a quick mod that contains a ring that gives you a high chameleon effect as long as you are wearing the ring AND sneaking. On testing it I discovered that a 100% chameleon effect ruins game immersion as nobody can see or detect you even if they are pushing up against you or you are hitting them! At lower levels of chameleon the ring can be quite useful and entertaining. If you'd like a copy of the mod just let me know. Edit... Scratch that last part my beta tester had so much fun just trying to get the ring that I've released the mod into the wild! http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/45624/?
  9. I think the problem is that you created 2 global variables instead of just the one. The "FreddieWander" global should be deleted and the condition in the "FreddieWander" package should be.... no GetGlobalValue Global "FreddieFollow" == 0 The condition in the "cmFollowFreddie" package also needs setting to ..... no GetGlobalValue Global "FreddieFollow" == 1 Try these and let me know what happens. Edit........ Changing the scamps colour isn't too hard, but let's sort the lack of following out first. :smile:
  10. Edit...... solution originally posted here by me causes female texture to be wrong. :sad: Wierdly enough changing the files back to their backed up originals so that the male khajiit texture folder contains footmale.dds (the female texture) and RTfootmale.dds (the male texture) caused the original problem of incorrectly textured male khajiits to be solved.... :confused:
  11. AFAIK CMPartners cannot repair "Broken" items, they can, however, repair "Damaged" items. The trick is to get them to repair items before the items' health reaches or falls below zero. If an item is completely "Broken" then it is up to you as the PC to repair the item for them.
  12. Instead of a mod you could simply open the console and type "Player.SetFactionRank 4980E 1" {without the quotation marks}. This will make you a member of the IC Palace faction, which will mean that your wanderings in the Palace won't be seen as trespassing. :thumbsup: Hope that this helps?
  13. 1. Copy the 100% complete save file into your saved games folder. 2. Open Wrye Bash 3. Click on the "Saves" tab. 4. Find the 100% save and right click it. 5. Select "Import Face" from the right click menu. 6. Use the dialogue box to select one of your existing saves with the character face that you wish to copy. 7. Click the "Open" Button. When you load the 100% save the PC should now have your face.
  14. I've had the same problem. Check that the location after the "purple flower" starts with the word "textures". For some reason the file selector seems to miss off the start of the file location, if left to its own devices.
  15. What kind of help are you looking for? I'd be willing to lend a hand if possible, although if you really want to learn to mod I'd recommend taking a look at the modding courses run by the Tes Alliance. I found them to be extremely helpful.
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