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  1. AAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!! keep your damn DRM's off my PAID games!!!!!!!!!
  2. Bumpy bump bump. Oh and making the fur armors compatible with adding some temperature meter for the player (freeze or overheat) would be awesome
  3. I'm pretty sure they had this in oblivion. I agree, its a really nice mod but if i remember right it was complicated or big or something. I hope that something like that is made so... +1
  4. I've seen a few people request this as well (called kill animations sometimes and some other stuff). Look a bit down the list and +1 theirs, that way the easier it is to see the interest, the more likely it is to be made. Good luck.
  5. Err imo guns dont really belong in the elder scrolls universe. Prove me wrong and I say bring it on! if not then I say just do whatever floats your boat, it is a game. Best of luck
  6. YES! holy crap thank you for requesting this. Its so annoying how these stupid quests that I purposely tried to avoid end up clogging up my journal. I don't care if I have to redo whatever random event happened to start it if I choose later to go back, let me keep my log organized!! +1
  7. Yay! more more more. Stupid quest in Windhelm was spoiled for me so I never got that completely original feel. YES! Good! Do! Love! +1
  8. +1 just, yeah, maybe not 10 rings. 2 plus a wedding ring should do it.
  9. Ok first off I just want to bow to your unhuman video game skills, I am very challenged with normal difficulty and I have on top class armor and weapons for my level. However this is not to say everything is challenging. If I properly understand what you're suggesting which is a just making enemies more powerful then I think I'd have to pass. But, if a mod like this could come with the option to just add more heath, without adding damage, then I think it would be awesome to have a custom difficulty mod like that. I really dont like 1 shotting bandits but I have enough problems with dragons as they are. I hope this gets made, and I hope it is custom, not just a "Grandmaster" setting. But of course, that too. +1
  10. Haa I like your name :thumbsup: So my personal opinion is that I get finishing moves anyway a lot of the time (2h specialized) and having them constantly would bum me out because they take a tiny chunk out of the gameplay each time. Not to say for some characters on a harder difficulty (playing on normal) who didn't automatically one shot bandits anyway, it could be nice. And with all the combat realism mods sure to come out. Ill go ahead and give this +1 good luck
  11. I wouldnt really say this is a mix of enchanting, thats still separate right? And yea as long as power wise its within reason then I say absolutely. I think maybe just a tad stronger (1hit weapons are no fun at all) but the smithing would be mostly in the value and unique appearance. Also naming them, but that goes for all craftible things and I think you mentioned it but im tired and mostly scanned. It would be killer to have a unique sword that you put lots of effort into and would make smithing a lot more compelling. PLUS ONE +1
  12. Joining a prison faction (which are not that big since even the largest prison can only hold about 10 people crammed together) will definitely be possible. Your other suggestions are good ideas but, like you said, very complicated. Also I'm thinking for now have a "skeleton key" obtainable by quest (more difficult than getting a lockpick) to accommodate non lock pickers. Thanks for the input :)
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