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  1. tl;dr version - Is it possible to change the sell value of items on a case-by-case basis? Elden Ring feels far more grindy than its Souls brethren. It encourages you to specialize a build, but simultaneously asks that you pour your hard-earned runes into Vitality if you're not a professional at not getting hit. But on top of the fact that you're splitting rune levels between Vitality and probably two other stats, you reach a point early on, when the amount of runes awarded for overcoming a difficult challenge can be pitiful (i.e." I *FINALLY* beat the Crucible Knight in the evergaol. If I could do that twelve more times, I'd have enough runes for a whole level!"). Maybe the leveling curve is too steep, or the rewards are too little... but what if there were a way to alleviate some of the grind without touching either of these? The aim of this mod is to provide an additional avenue for earning runes, that 1) rewards you more when specializing your build, and 2) gives a bigger payoff those times when you find yourself hitting your head against a wall over and over, only to realize that all of that effort was for some summoning ash you'll never use (Or ash of war, weapon, armor, spell, crafting material, etc). I propose an economic overhaul that basically makes everything more valuable across the board, but also uses more nuance determining the value of specific items. Valuing weapons, armor sets and shields would be pretty straightforward. For commonly dropped equipment, maybe the selling value could be 500 runes instead of 100 (Or have it be a set amount proportional to the runes earned from killing the enemy). The things that you can only acquire from treasure chests or finishing a major quest would have a more dramatic increase based on how much trouble you have to go through to get it. Spirit Ashes, Ashes of War, Spells and Incantations, I see being treated the same way. If you can only find it at a mid to late-game area, I should be able to get a decent fraction of a level's worth of runes when selling it. Consumables and ammunition would take a little more effort to price. Arrows, for example, have the standard vs. crafted to take into consideration, as well as if they're fletched (which by all measures should increase the sale value). The pricing would be something like: Bone < Bone Fletched < Standard < Standard Fletched < Fire, Lightning, Ice, Magic, Poison, Holy, Bleed (all bone) < ditto (all bone + fletched) < ditto (all standard) < ditto (all standard fletched) < Special arrows like Trina's, rot, and the ones that can't be purchased. Golden Seeds: Just realized that I can't sell these, even though I should be able to. Can't upgrade the flask anymore, so every time I find one it feels pointless. 10k a pop would be a good start. Conclusion: Right now it's just an idea, and I'm more interested in if it can be done rather than asking someone to go and do it. Personally, I think a change like this would improve the feeling of adventure in the game, while trimming down the time normally spent grinding. But it could also backfire and make people want to grind more. On the other hand, it would improve the prospects of exploring dangerous areas very early on in the game, adding some extra opportunities to get stronger, faster (for those feeling particularly adventurous).
  2. Hello All, I have a strange eye condition that has me legally blind in both eyes, but I can still play through most games (if my face is hovering like 4 inches away from the monitor). I gave Sekiro a try, and putting aside the fact that I sucked horribly at it, I had a pretty miserable time with certain visual aspects. I want to sit down and struggle with this game for hours until I git gud, but there are a lot of little things that strain my eyes that I don't remember having a problem with in any of the Souls games, which I was able to successfully fumble my way through. So here's a list of mod requests - or to better put it, some things I wonder whether or not they can be changed. Biggest Beef: The text in item descriptions (and some menus?) The one thing that got to me right away was that the text was white, over a tan background. Trying to read these, even with my special computer shades, gave me a headache from eye-strain. I'm perfectly fine with white text over a dark background, like what the Souls games did. Black text over a light background is harder for me, but manageable. I'd love a mod that makes that tan background a very dark brown, but since there are some instances of black text over the tan background (IIRC), it would require changing the color of said text as well. Confirmation during the interruption popups when you pick up an item I don't have a cursor in my game, and never will, so long as I use an external program to bind magnification to my side mouse buttons. So, when I pick up an item with the 'Action' key (Yeah, I do mouse+keyboard), it becomes a real nuisance to close every single game-interrupting popup. Wouldn't it be great if I could just go (Action key to pick up item) -> (Action key to immediately close window), instead of having to remove my hand from mouse to press Enter, the only key that functions as confirm, and then reach for the mouse again? This one I could do on my own with AutoHotkey, but it's the kind of thing I think would benefit other mouse+keyboard players who don't have a cursor. Those tiny button-prompts I only knew which keys to press because I spent a long time wrestling with the options menu. (And btw, figuring out how to unbind specific keys while the menu shows you which controller button to press was a real pain, but I eventually figured out how to switch to key displays!) But those little notifications have really tiny text, which makes me have to stop and squint for longer than I'd want to in a game like this. I don't remember seeing any options to make the text larger in the options menu, so...any chance that a mod could be made to insert larger text? Just for the little tips that appear on the left, and the descriptions that appear underneath the button prompts in the center of the screen. I love From games. I want to love this one too, but my eyes were hurting after around 1.5 hours. Because of Steam's whole 2-hour rule, I felt like I needed to refund, in the event that I went further in and still had these problems. I'll gladly purchase it again if these little things can be addressed. (I've never refunded a game before, which might be indicative of the existential crisis I was going through during the game's opening.)
  3. Right now the button designated to shooting is also used for skipping lines of dialogue. This works fine in fixed conversations, but has led to many a tragic incident when trying to skip past the mundane banter of merchants, which prevents me from exchanging goods as quickly as possible. "I can rest easy knowing that Wolfgang is--*BLAM*" whoops! It seems like a no brainer. Use the same button/key/mouse click to speed along a conversation as the one used to initiate it--but for some reason, Bethesda thought otherwise. Anyway, I'm wondering if it'd be possible to do this with the script extenders. You could pull off additional key functionality with FOSE and NVSE, so is it possible to give the Use key the additional function of skipping ahead when you're talking to someone?
  4. So even though I'm really swamped with life and have no time for developing something like a big total conversion...this is the kind of thing I think would work great in a big total conversion. There'd be no need to worry about lore conflict if you're set in a separate universe, and I'm a huge fan of mashing post-modern-world-apocalypse with fantasy and feudalism. Fantasy games love to have ancient civilizations that were far advanced in technology, only to fall due to hubris, some kind of giant disaster or war. Let's say you were making a fantasy game like Elder Scrolls, but you made that ancient civilization the pre-war world of Fallout...ooh, my head is spinning with ideas. Sorry for going off on a tangent. What was this again? Oh yeah, spells. I'm all for them.
  5. Self-aware, overly exaggerated grumpiness is a type of humor that doesn't always catch. Because tone is such a hard thing to convey in written text, it can come off as being whiny or "self-entitled." It's the same tone I use whenever I rant on and on about Destiny, and it's not meant to be 100% serious. But of course, people who really like Destiny see it as nothing more than mean-spirited vitriol that does not belong. It could be that I'm just totally misinterpreting the post and he's a horrible troll as all of you say, but come on. The part about the bridge made me chuckle.
  6. Really? Posts like these make me smile.
  7. Modularity is key. Don't know if there's going to be anything along the lines of an MCM for FO4, but a mod like this would definitely have a high level of options to choose from. Hm...good point about not having need-based perks for Endurance. That does mean we'd have to come up with a whole bunch of other perks to take their place. THe intelligence thing is mostly my criticism of modern narratives. I'd love to see this kind of consideration given in the game, but FO4 is what it is. I'd never go through the trouble of changing the base game for something like this, but hopefully this kind of feature gets used in say, other games/big mods developed with the FO4 engine. Pretty much anything that's made with more than 4 dialogue options in mind.
  8. Made a bunch of changes today. Took a few things out that just don't sit right, now that I've played the game for an extended time. New things: Medical system overhaul, enemy behavior adjustments, some perception perks, one strength perk, one charisma perk. Expanded on: Equipment Repair, Radiation Sickness. Newer ideas are italicized.
  9. And by linking to it, you save people the trouble of having to guess what the file might be called. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3456/?tab=11&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Ffeedsmod%2F%3Fid%3D3456&pUp=1 You also might notice that the mod was uploaded sometime after this topic was first created, so maybe take that into consideration. Just giving you some netiquette pointers.
  10. I'm working at a crafting bench. That means I'm trying to do something that's not engaging you in small talk. So during the many, many times that Sturges has gotten stuck in the doorway next to the weapon crafting bench, I don't want to hear "I can fix just about anything" over and over and over. Based purely on wild speculation, I suspect that NPC code goes something like "if timerFromLastThingISaid == 0 and PlayerIsClose { SAY SOMETHING }" (Pardon the pseudocode, I've not touched any of Bethesda's tools). What we need here is an additional condition check tacked on, like "and NOT(PlayerIsAtWorkBench)" Another solution might be to significantly reduce the amount of space required to meet the PlayerIsClose condition. I think there was one that did this for Skyrim so that you didn't hear "I WORK WITH MY MOTHER" every time you paid visit to Whiterun. It'd have the added bonus of having other characters not make stupid comments to me during important dialogue scenes.
  11. Yeah, a new interface is almost necessary for this sort of thing. Something like, when you opt to equip a certain item, instead of auto-equipping, the existing interface goes into a state where it's checking to see where the mouse is. If the mouse is over either of the appropriate limbs for that particular piece, then the limb on the vaultboy picture does the flashing thing (and clicking assigns the item to that limb). There'd also have to be a way to opt out. As far as items go, it would also only be applicable to any armor sets that are symmetrical. So for example, if Raider set has a right arm that's not a simple mirror image of the left arm piece (Don't know this off the top of my head), then all bets are off. Someone would have to go through and make left/right variations for all of those, and then call them something like "Raider Arm A/B". Probably a lot more I'm missing as well.
  12. (I *swear* I edited my last post, but apparently I made a new one instad. My bad!) Some other ideas I've had since then (Some might be repeats!) COMPANIONS: -Additional followers can travel with you (Based on charisma or charisma perk). - You can specifically tell a follower to take items back to a settlement of your choosing. This isn't kind of like dismissing them, but giving them a separate role. After sending them off using this new method, they'll leave, and all of the items they have (that aren't equipped) will go into that settlement's workbench. What would make this even better is if they come back to you afterwards. (So maybe a Charisma perk could be done relating to this). MEDICINE: New types of healing items in the game, and changes to existing: Stimpak: Much less common now. Does not heal injuries (Unless you want to rig up a system like Fallout New Vegas's). Takes longer to heal over time (modifiable with perk). Lite Stimpak: Where you would normally find regular stimpaks, you now find these. Functions as fast as a vanilla stimpak, but only for a tiny bit of health. Using too much at once can make you sick (but not in a way that makes combat impossible). Super Stimpak: Must be very rare. Making these would require a combination of very rare materials as well. Basically acts like a Stimpak would in Vanilla. Doctor's Bag: Less common than lite stimpaks, but not quite as rare as the new stimpaks. Functions only to restore broken limbs (Reverts limb health to maybe 1 or so, the rest you have to get from sleeping or using a stimpak on limb New Vegas style). Maybe medicine perk will allow to also heal limb damage to a certain extent. Refreshing Beverage: Same effect, but maybe longer time for recovery. Requires the regular (now rare) Stimpak instead of Lite Stimpak to create. Without a medicine perk, you can't use a Doctor's Bag to restore limb condition on your own. If you go to a doctor, they can restore your limbs for a price--but if you have a doctor's bag, they'll do it for free (Either way, they'll completely or significantly restore limb health). That way, there's still a benefit to going to them (You don't have to waste additional healing items to restore your limb condition to full). If I get more ideas I'll share them. If you want to incorporate any of my other ideas go ahead, since I was always planning for someone else to utilize these anyway.
  13. I don't have time to work on mods at the moment, but here are some ideas I jotted down a bit ago (Before I had a real understanding of how the perk system felt in-game). http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3381275-fallout-4-overhaul-planning-stages/
  14. Don't really feel like this is a request, since I know it can't be done just yet. Again, I'm just tossing the idea out there so people more talented than myself can plan ahead. I find it a little strange that equipment that is essentially elbow and knee pads are specific to one particular side of the body. It does make collecting and equipping sets of legendary armor a bit more challenging through restriction, but as long as the armor piece doesn't have a glove or boots attached, it doesn't make sense that it'd be prohibited to a single side. Making this right now would be nigh impossible I think, but once the tools do become available, here's what would need to be done: For all appropriate equipment, either Left or Right version of the arm or leg pieces would be renamed to just _______ Arm / Leg (Other version would be removed?). When you select the item in inventory, it would prompt you to which side you wish to equip it to--maybe in a popup menu, or once we get more tools, it'll let you just press an arrow (or A / D) to assign it. It then removes whatever is already there, replaces it with the piece, and all is good. Make sure it's done in a way that doesn't allow duplication exploits/ The foreseeable problem with this is when you have equipment that stacks. You have two leather arm pieces, which show up as "Leather Arm (2)". When you select that, one has to be equipped, while the other one stays behind as if a separate item. In other words, it acts like it creates an entirely new item that only exists when you have it equipped, so that the other is also available. This might not be an issue though, since I don't know how these things work behind the scenes. Thoughts?
  15. Would be interesting for sure. For games like Skyrim, I always preferred that mod that automatically changed your view to 1st person when pulling the bowstring. The transition when ironsighting might be a bit jarring, but there's no point in not giving this one a shot.
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