Name:TANGO SUCKA Gender:male Age:20 Race:Caucasian Combat Style:Guns and melee Specialties:Rifle and big guns and knife Weaknesses:woman Likes:cute girls and guns.Oh also whiskey. Dislikes: Cazadore(fighting deathclaws is much better than that bugs)mask people,guy with a freakin ballistic fist(STOP PUNCHING ME WITH THAT s***) Wants:His own pet. Fears:Legate and Nightkin(STOP APPEARING OUT OF NOWHERE) Friendly Factions:The strip,NCR,Bos,follower of the apocal-thingy and freeside Enemy Factions:Caesar's legion and Goodsprings Companions:Rex and Cass Love interest?:Cass Parents:Get killed by Caesar's legion while on a trip to vegas Early life:Driking with the powder gangers,shoting legion,member in to minced meat with mingun. Teen years:almost get killed by Deathclaws thanks for the powder gangers to help me survive,almost get killed by cook-cook but shoot the anti rifle in to his balls so he won't rape anybody anymore. How did he/she become a courier?:low of caps