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About HealerOfThe4thDimension

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  1. On nexusmods.com the url for a mod is "nexusmods.com/GAME NAME/mods/NUMBER OF MOD". I am interested in the very first mods for some games, so for example I look up https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1 and see that "Alexi CirTein a Stormcloak officer - A follower using the Hroki model" is the first mod for Skyrim Special Edition. Sometimes the first few mods are "not found" which means they got deleted imo (or they are "hidden"), for example there is no https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1 (I can read in the browser tab that this mod was called "Slightly Improved Eyes", it was deleted) or https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2 but there is https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3. But in some cases there are no mods until a very high number, for example Fallout New Vegas, the first mods I could find is https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/34678. What happened to mods 1 to 34677? Same story with Oblivon (first mod I could find was 1412) or Morrowind (155). I can't imagine all those mods were deleted, it's just too many! Or is that the case? Edit: error in pseudo url.
  2. Yes, I also only found mods which only change the weight of items. Thank you for that offer! Sounds complicated, I will have a look at xml files and may ask in the forum.
  3. Hello everyone, if I have a stack with at least two items in my inventar, it only shows how much one item of the stack weighs. Is there a mod which shows the total weight of stacks? For example I use DBs Weighted Gold Mod so gold has weight. In my inventar I have 92 gold coins but I only see the weight of one coin, it weighs 0.033 per default of the mod, but I'd like to see the total weight of 3.036 instead.
  4. It works! I changed the line in my .ini-file from "set ItemValueChangerScript.WeapSilverLongswordWeight to 2" to "set ItemValueChangerQuest.WeapSilverLongswordWeight to 2"and it just works. In the future I will only reference quests/objects/spells from an .ini-file and not scripts. For my understanding: When I made my quest I noticed that you can only put one script in it. I have to reference my quest in my .ini-file because my script could be used by more than one quest (but a quest can only have one script). Thank you all four your help! Now I'll fill my script with every item whose weight I want to change :)
  5. Ah that makes sense, after changing the weight the only thing the runBatchScript does is to change the variable, but not the weight. Hm, now my script looks like this Scn ItemValueChangerScript float WeapSilverLongswordWeight Begin GameMode if GetGameRestarted == 1 if (fileExists "Data\Item Value Changer.ini" == 1) runBatchScript "Data\Item Value Changer.ini" ;Silver Longsword SetWeight WeapSilverLongswordWeight WeapSilverLongsword endif endif EndI switched both parts and in the .ini it is still "set ItemValueChangerScript.WeapSilverLongswordWeight to 2". But it still doesn't work...
  6. My script looks like this now Scn ItemValueChangerScript Begin GameMode if GetGameRestarted == 1 ;Silver Longsword SetWeight 2 WeapSilverLongsword endif EndAnd it works. If I understand it correctly, that script will change the weight from 28 to 2 once and then GetGameRestarted is always 0. Meaning that it is still checking GetGameRestarted every 5 seconds but because it will be 0 after the first time the strain on the scripting engine is minimal. Alright I think that's it for the first step, thank you all! Now I want to implement another thing: to be able to change the weight of that silver longsword through an .ini-file to change that easily (should I make another threat?) The only thing I found regarding .ini-files was a threat from 2011, I tried to mimic the steps from there: I created an empty .ini-file called "Item Value Changer.ini", put it in my Data folder next to my .esp and modified my script, it looks like this now Scn ItemValueChangerScript float WeapSilverLongswordWeight Begin GameMode if GetGameRestarted == 1 ;Silver Longsword SetWeight WeapSilverLongswordWeight WeapSilverLongsword if (fileExists "Data\Item Value Changer.ini" == 1) runBatchScript "Data\Item Value Changer.ini" endif endif EndAnd in the .ini-file I wrote one line, "set ItemValueChangerScript.WeapSilverLongswordWeight to 2". But ingame the weight of the silver longsword is 0 (that means the float-variable doesn't get changed by the .ini-file). How can I make it work? In the threat from 2011 it says that the name in the ini file should be the name of the quest where my script is attached to. But there is no difference when I write "set ItemValueChangerQuest.WeapSilverLongswordWeight to 2".
  7. Thank you for your answers! It's true, my script only worked once. I removed the DoOnce condition and now it works everytime. But why should I use the GetGameRestarted condition when it is working now? The CS Wiki says GetGameRestarted is used to reset or undo changes made by OBSE functions, but I don't want to revert my changes. My script looks like this now (I'll use Editor ID's as of now) Scn ItemValueChangerScript Begin GameMode ;Silver Longsword SetWeight 2 WeapSilverLongsword EndI'd like to stop the quest with stopquest because it doesn't have to run every 5 seconds, only once. But I don't know the ID from my quest, how can I find it? I didn't find anything in the quest window. In the beginning I didn't like the weight-ratio of some items, e.g. a Silver Longsword weighing nearly as much as an Iron Warhammer. But after staring at those numbers I think they are not that bad :sweat: But still, I want to learn proper scripting practice (as well as actual scripting).
  8. Thank you for your answer! It is saved as a Quest. And after your explanation that is the type I want, because I want that the weight is changed independent of spells I have to cast or cells I am in. So I made a quest and called it ItemValueChangerQuest, set the priority to 60 (no idea what that implies, it was a suggestion from a tutorial I read) and made sure "start game enabled" is checked. There was also a drop-down menu for scripts, and I chose my script. But what should I do now? There is still no difference ingame. (btw I hope I use the syntax from the SetWeight-function correctly, but the CS doesn't give an error-message, so it should be ok) Edit: Oh wait, it works! I think I didn't save the changes in the CS and just started the game. But after saving in CS and closing it I see the change ingame, hurra :D Now I have a follow-up question: That way how I did it, is it the best method to accomplish my goal? My goal is eventually to be able to change the weight and value of (nearly) every item in the game through an .ini-file (how to accomplish that is a topic for another day). Won't my savefile get corrupted or the loading time unnecessarily bloated? Should I use an object- or spell-script instead? (I want to use a script instead of changing the values with TES4Edit because I heard it is better for mod-compatibility, is that even true?)
  9. I want to change item values, e.g. the weight of a weapon, with a script. I have no experience with scripting and I don't know how to do it. I looked up what I think are usable functions in the CS Wiki and found the "SetWeight"-function. With that I wrote the following script to change the weight of the silver longsword (Object ID is 0002521F) from the original 28 to 2: Scn ItemValueChangerScript Short DoOnce Begin GameMode if DoOnce == 0 ;Silver Longsword SetWeight 2 0002521F Set DoOnce to 1 Endif EndI included the variable "DoOnce" and the if-part because I heard it is good practice (but I have no idea). The problem is that there is no change ingame (I activated the newly created esp), I have a silver longsword in my inventar with the same weight of 28, even after dropping and picking up again it stays at 28. How can I make it work with a script? I know I can easily change it with TES4Edit but I want to change it with a script.
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