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About Toastbrot123

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  1. Hi i have some problems with Enhanced Shaders 1. I won't get Aliasing working. I have a Ati card so i don't have nvidia inspector which I could use to force working anti Aliasing. I tried using catalyst but it didn't worked i got a weird blue brownish screen without textures... 2. I have this hand transparency problem. I tried the fix found on the nexus but it didn't worked. I chose the default file and the hq preset. enb version is the required for this enb... So if someone could help that would be nice greets toastbrot123
  2. well i now reinstalled FNV because i had also problems with crashing in freeside. If it appears now again do you know what may have caused it? And how do i use the perf fix with enb and enboost?
  3. Well for me the performance fix helps ALOT. Before i used it i got 30-40 frames a second in the goodsprings battle at the start. With the fix I got stable 60 frames. So for me it's almost necessary.... (got FNV on latest patch) For the other questions: I'll reinstall FNV completely and try to install it that way
  4. Hello i have problems at loading screens in freeside. Nearly every time i load a freeside cell i get a loading screen crash. Well more a ''Fallout New Vegas stopped responding''. So can somebody help me? Here's my boss log also using NPC Lag Fix, 4gb enabler, Fake Fullscreen and ENBoost Hope someone can help me started new game now 3 times.... :(
  5. Hello i have some enb related questions and thought here i can get help. 1. How can i install the Nvidia Performance Fix (NPC lag fix) with the Blackout ENB and ENBoost 2. Blackout ENB requires from the graphics modification section (written on the description page of Blackout ENB) ENBSeries v0.173 for Fallout New Vegas OR ENBSeries v0.194 for Fallout 3 / New Vegas BUT ENBoost requires from the patches section ENBoost v0.203 patch for Fallout 3 / New Vegas So how can i use both Enboost with an actual ENB? 3. The Nvidia Performance Fix is almost essential for New Vegas if I want to play with playable FPS... so The NPC Lag FIx has a own .dll now how can i use this with a ENB series .dll the patch .dll for ENBoost and a ENB like Blackout ENB? 4. Which files do i ahve to delete if i want to uninstall all ENB related Files? Pic of my FNV folder: http://i.imagebanana.com/img/ggjn5t14/thumb/thenexusforums.png I installed Enhanced Shaders Classic but it was overridden by the Performance fix and ENBoost 5. How can i use transparency AA and antialiasing with this ENB? I own a AMD 7970 Ghz so i have no nvidia inspector.... It would be very Nice if someone could help me
  6. No just in the gomorrah. But i want to make this quest because i read that it may cause huge quest problems if not completing bye bye love before other quest on the strip...
  7. Hello everyone hope somebody can help me... For some reason when i enter the gomorrah casino to make the quest bye bye love when i exit it after giving the man all my weapons except my hidden weapons i don't get the others back... So when i exit the gomorrah i'll lose my weapons except for a police pistol, 22 Silenced pistol and a knife. Is there a fix?
  8. so what is the best alternative for UFO? EDIT: Still crashing i think i reinstall the game EDIT2: reinstalled created new save level 5 3 hours of gameplay, 3 crashes New boss log: Please Help i don't know how to fix my problems anymore....
  9. 1) Recently cleaned all .esm's (except Skyrim.esm of course) and .esp's. I'll make it now.... 2) will also install the patches for SoS. Just removed them temporarily i keep UFO intalled because i heard that the other follower tweaks mods cause more problems is that right? 3) I deleted the ini's and let the game rebuild them. Applied necessary ini tweaks for mods. And some other shadow tweak,z-fighting. 4)SkyRe's crossbow fix is usually placed under SkyRE_main.esp; SkyFalls is placed fairly low under RnD WATER-Patch; UFOtweak is placed under UFO-hearthfires Addon; Auto Unequip Shield is placed under Auto-Unequip ammo; TKrecoil is just placed under SkyFalls; then everything else from the unrecognized plug-ins is moved above the bashed patch with Disable Fast Travel Dawnguard at the bottom of that list with bashed patch etc under it...
  10. Maybe a stupid question but how do i make boss to generate a log? And yes .ini changes where made the shadow striping fix+blocky shadows fix+threaded entry edits....
  11. Hope someone can help me here. My game is crashes every few minutes no matter what i do (pick up items, wandering around, combat,...). I just started a new game (level 5 character) with about 3 hours gameplay. I have some texture mods ( Skyrim HD 2k Lite, aMidianborn, Deadly spell impacts Low, Automatic variants with 3 packs, Realistic Smoke and Embers, Nightingale Prime, and some others but that shouldn't matter because of my graphics card...) Specs: i5-2500K Sapphire Radeon HD 7970 Vapor-X 3gb Vram 8gb Ram 1333Hz Game is installed on a Samsung ssd 840 256gb And finally my modlist:
  12. My loading screen often freezes in freeside when changing freeside cell. Tried to start new game and then load save and after a few minutes it freezes at a loading screen with sound loop. Any help?
  13. now the game often freezes and then stops responing in menus while in combat traveling around so it's completely random... Also the ram usage is under 1gb (i use enboost already) the vram usage is about 1.5-2.5 gb
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