Hey guys, girls and all in between, my name is Alex, im a 23 year old student in germany, who loves skyrim and its gameplay. but somehow it didnt catch me completely... i thougt for a long time about it, and then i realized: its the towns and castles of skyrim, that look like complete and utter crap. noone with the iq of an ape would dare to consider to do that to the defences of a city/castle what the people in skyrim do. and yeah, maybe the town houses look like s#*! too. i always loved Oblivion for its cities and ruined castles, and i adored the world of the witcher 3, and so i decided to redo them. currently there are a few castles done, as well as mostly whiterun and rifton. i use various free modders resources/ i already asked for permission to use some assets by its creators who gave it to me, for example mr siika seaview kit. sadly it is such a big project, and i fear that i cant do it all alone, and so noone could ever possibly play this modification. i can do the outside world all alone in my freetime, it may take a while, but slowly im getting there. and even if not all towns and castles are finished, i could publish that whats already done, and update it later on. the only thing that bothers me is the interiors. i have to redo all of the interiors of townhouses and castles, as i replace them with completely different models, and thats way to much for me all alone. so i wanted to ask fellow mod creators with expirience in the field, if they, including you, would like to join my project. i dont know how to include screenshots of the already done parts of my mod here, so feel free to tell me if you know, otherwise i could publish them on reddit and send you all the link if you like. skyrim belongs to the thalmor! cheers Alex