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  1. Check this thread for a good tutorial.
  2. I've made an interior cell, navmeshed it, and placed an encounter. I tested the navmesh and it comes up clean. When I test it in game, my follower follows me in and around the cell almost perfectly. The encounter also works as planned when I enter the cell, HOWEVER, if I leave the cell and come back my follower doesn't show up. I can sometimes hear him making noise, but toggling clipping I cannot find him. Also, If I dont kill the encounter mob and leave the cell, when I come back it's the same issue; it's gone. Even more oddly, if I load a different save (or even the same save) and come back to that cell after being there once, the issue happens. If I close Skyrim, then open it again, load the save, then everything works... unless I leave the cell and come back again. I assume this is a navmesh issue of some type, but for all the alterations I've made, nothing seems to fix this. Any suggestions?
  3. I'm afraid I don't have any insight into this issue, however, I find this topic amusing after reading your Quest Markers are Bad rant. So far for me quest markers have worked each time I set one up. Mine have always referenced an alias, though. Perhaps that's something to take into account.
  4. Tried this when I got home expecting to feel like a complete idiot, but that didn't fix it either. Doesn't really lessen the facepalm feeling though >.< I did finally get it to work using the xmarkeractivator with the defaultsetstageonenter script. Thanks again for all the help, I actually learned a good deal about simple questing through this.
  5. I set up a trigger box using xmarkeractivator (it was the only xmarker that appeared from the drop down menu) and sized it to fit the small room the corpse was in. I added the script DefaulSetStageTRIGSpecificActor and set it to: disable when done: true quest: my quest run once: true prereq stage: 10 (I only want this to fire if you already have the quest) set stage: 20 actor: corpse (yes it is unique) Unfortunately this didn't work. I then chose the zone it was in as the "encounter zone" to see if that would fix anything and it didn't change anything. Do I need to make a linked reference or parent? The trigger box is set on the corpse--does it have to be set to the alias of the corpse instead? I didn't see the alias as an option in the drop down menu while selecting the actor property. I appreciate all your help, and I'd like to thank you for taking the time to troubleshoot this with me. Edit: I just tried using the defaultSetStageOnEnterTrigger and set the script for it instead of the xmarkeractivator and that didn't work either.
  6. This would work except I am already using that script to advance to a different stage. I want to have "finding the corpse" to be an objective. The way it is working now the player is told to find someone, but the player ends up finding them dead. Upon searching the body the player discovers a note, and then is told to read the note. stage 10 find body stage 20 search body <-- need a script for that without actually looting OR to have the find body satisfied by proximity stage 30 read the note stage 40 follow instructions on note However, I needed to set this up so that if you come across this body before having this quest, it will automatically jump to the right part of the quest upon picking up the note. Looting the note thus always triggers the "read the note" objective, and I don't want several quest objectives completed stacking on top of each other from one object being looted. DefaultSetStageOnPlayerAquire is already implemented on the note to advance to 30 PlayerAquireRefAlias was not found when I typed it into the "add script" area
  7. I am trying to find the right script/ property/condition to use to fufill a quest objective of finding a corpse to loot so that the quest marker I have assigned to him will go away once he is looted. As it is right now, looting the item off the corpse still advances the quest properly, but the marker stays over the corpse. I'm looking for something along the lines of defaultsetstageonloot My brain is turning to jello trying to wrap my mind around questing/scripting, though the feeling of accomplishment I had the first time the quest worked from begining to end was quite satisfying! Of course this was after several hours of failure. 8)
  8. I just wanted to post an easy way to get textures to appear in Nifscope v1.1 for those who may be frustrated that they don't show up automatically. Go to "File" -->"Resource Files" ---->click "Add" ------>browse to your steam location: choose Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\Textures.bsa I also added "Meshes.bsa" as a resourse file. This has made my Nifscope experience much better as a new modder. Hope it helps.
  9. I am working on making harvestable versions of all ingredient models. I have gone through all the plant types and 3 are reacting differently than the rest. When I loot one in game I get the harvested ingredient, however ALL instances of that plant disappear from the cell when it is looted. I am assuming this is a .nif issue, The affected plants are: dragons breath, nightshade, and spiky grass. (clarification: the nightshade ingredient model is being used as the plant model. Apart from the afformentioned 3 deviants, all the other ingredients are working as planned.) I believe the plants are all technically based off of the clam harvestable, as that was the original plant I modified the base of. Then I modified that for each successive ingredient. Note: new ingredient nifs were made by modifying the originals to remove havok. Also, I tested the new nightshade.nif on the canise root plant to determine whether it was the nif or the base object, and once the new .nif was added, all the canis roots would disappear when one was looted. The only part of the nif I changed for each ingredient was: Mass Motion System Solver Deactivation Quality Type
  10. I just put a lot of time into changing most of the ingredients into harvestables, however Dragon's Tongue, Nightshade, and Spiky Grass are behaving differently than the rest. They stay where I put them, and they dont react to havok, but they disappear when I harvest them. I double checked to make sure they linked to the proper new .nif that has the model for the ingredient but is listed as a plant. I opened up Nifscope and compared line by line a working one and a bugged one, and both have the same lines of coding except in vertice count and similar references. The Nightshade is also acting strange as I placed two very close together like they were hanging in a bunch, yet both disappeared when one is harvested. I am left thinking it's a problem buried somewhere in the .nif, or that it might be a bug in the game referencing those items that weren not meant to be harvestable. I did use a clean save to test these. Any thoughts?
  11. Thank you! This solved the positioning problem, however, if I attack or shoot it, it still reacts to havok. Any ideas? Tried adding the script again, but it didnt help. [edit] Figured it out. I was comparing and testing other properties and I had to edit mass to 0. Thanks again! [/edit]
  12. I am trying to make a new harvestable static using existing base objects, particularly mushrooms. I want to use the ingredient model for the havestable static. I used the clam base object to start, changed the model to the mushroom I wanted, gave it the proper ingredient, sound, and name, and even added the disablehavokonload script, however when I enter the cell the mushroom will not be in the position I placed it in the CK. I edited the script so that HavokOnHit was checked (effectively making it false) and it is still leaning over when I enter the cell. It does function correctly though, except for not staying where I put it. Also, it will still move if I shoot it, which I thought was disabled by the script. Is this something I have to change in nifscope? If so, I'd really appreciate a little direction in how to do it. I just loaded nifscope for the first time to try and figure it out, and I got nowhere.
  13. I am attempting to make a wallmounted mudcrab into a container that respawns mudcrab ingredients. Can this be done through activators/triggers/npc's alone, or will it require scripting? I basically want a static harvestable mudcrab chitlin that respawns like a spider egg sack. Can I spawn a dead mudcrab in the void and link it to an activator placed over the wallmounted mudcrab, or is that overly complicated? I haven't looked into scripting yet, but I've been working with the CK for a few weeks now. If this is a simple script I'd very much appreciate a working example so I can learn from it. If it is a complicated script, I'd still appreciate a working sample, but I'll save the learning for later haha. If it isn't script related at all, I apologize for throwing it in here. I still have a lot of learning ahead of me with the CK. Thanks!
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