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About Balgroth187

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    United States
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    Fallout 4

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  1. use vault111ext for a coc out of qasmoke just make sure to exit the vault for the first time before going to qasmoke, or you will glitch the hell out of your character
  2. na, thats the ranger combat armor, the ranger patrol armor is this http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Ranger_patrol_armor funny enough that you should make mention of genox's work, as thats what I was going to make the vest go over once finished, for a heavy weapons NCR roleplay start character I want to play, figure the combat vest from the patrol armor, plus the genox riot armor would be a lore friendly way to get closer to a power armor level of defense without having to use power armor, which I dont particularly like in new vegas.
  3. Ok, so I have tried a few times to build a separate armor based on the ranger patrol armor so I could use the patrol armor's vest as an additional armor piece that could be equipped in addition to any other armor equipped, and have had some pretty horrendous results. Seeking one of the wonderful modders in here to build a combat vest based on the ranger patrol armor. the tactical vests I have seen on nexus just dont fit the lore imo, and I think this would be a great lore friendly addition!
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