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Everything posted by Izeck

  1. True, but it wouldn't be a permanent thing nor would t scale in potency. I guess it would be easier though, but I'm too much of a newb to do anything of use at the moment =[. I guess I could study other people's mods and do some good old fashioned trial and error, but at my meager skill level it would take ages or never be. Hence why I ask the pros.
  2. I just started a mage and found it to be a huge disadvantage that there is no way to increase carry weight unless you increase stamina. I'm severely limited on my knowledge of modding and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to make it so that you can increase carry weight with magicka as well. I was also attempting to figure out how to change a perk (Novice alteration) so it can increase carry weight with magicka (I was going to try to make "magic pockets"). Thee aren't many tutorial out on how to mod, but there are tons of mods out there, so there has to be a way to do this. Any help please? In shot, what I need/want is a mod (or help making one) that can: A- Make magicka increase carry weight as well or B- Make the effect be possible only after selecting a perk.
  3. I would like to requests a mod for soul gems/trap. Call me a noob, but I find it very annoying that you can accidentally place a petty soul in a grand soul gem and if you don't notice you can keep doing it and only realize what you did when it's too late. My request is to add a warning that asks you for confirmation before placing a soul in a higher rank soul gem. Let's say you soul trap a bunny, but the only soul gem you have is common, the game will pause and ask to confirm if you actually want the petty soul in the common soul gem. Or it doesn't even need to pause, maybe a small window pops up in a corner and you can take care of it later. Kind of like if your weapon/spell has absorbed the souls and you later extract them into soul gems and the ones you don't need you just toss away (send to oblivion :devil:).
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