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About manwiththemachinegun

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  1. Okay, for starters take a *deep* breath. I don't think anyone expects given the nature of how difficult it is to mod TPP to create a "true" Kojima quality mission 51. That being said. How feasible would it be to have a custom side op that included the following. A jungle infiltration (I'm thinking the same drop off location that begins the Africa section/where Liquid's boss battle is). XOF as enemies throughout the op with armor/chopper support (Should be easy as they're already in the game). Lots of traps, claymores, anti-tank mines, sleep mines, etc along the path to the objective. A boss fight with Sahelanthropus (This would be the trickiest part, as I don't know if it's even possible to move boss locations). If possible, multiple Pequods (with adjusted health values) + free artillery markers to simulate the DD vs. Sahelantrhopus battle seen in the concept art. What would be the feasibility of implementation? I know it wouldn't be a "True" final mission, but it may be close enough for some closure! If the gameplay was 20-30 minutes long, it would be of comparable length to missions from the main game.
  2. I got what Marko was all about. I think he did live up to his reputation and what he represented, essentially an "evil" karma Vault Dweller protagonist. I only wish there was more opportunity to dig back into what really bothered him about the Courier, and this is where the Paradise Lost analogy comes in: that the Courier wouldn't sink to Marko's level on a good karma play through, or flat out didn't care about Marko's suffering as an evil one. Also, if you're going to take player control away...
  3. http://memesvault.com/wp-content/uploads/Nooo-Meme-10.jpg Ha ha, don't worry. It's mostly a compliment. :P
  4. Innnnteresting... I'm imagining some possibilities here.
  5. I do wish there an option for a high intelligence Courier to throw some of those literary references back in Marko's face. I get that being an insufferable monster makes him quite prone to run his mouth, but I wish there were more options like, "This ghost of Christmas Past bulls*** is getting old," I loved that line particularly. My Courier just did not care about Marko's rantings of being on the same level as he was. Because hey guess what? I don't torture villages and wipe out communities, I collect bounties on criminals. I think you may have made your own Ulysses there Someguy, for good and bad. :tongue:
  6. Is there a correct way to complete the ghost cave? Even with light step, and stealth boys, I still get random explosions that kill everyone in the cave when triggering any combat. How is it "supposed" to be completed? Pure stealth?
  7. Maybe a simple solution would simply be to disable the protagonist's voice? I don't think it would be very immersion breaking for most of us to go back to having a silent lead. Also looks like I finished the Bounties Trilogy just in time!
  8. Awesome, but don't rush. Fallout 4's still a few weeks off afterall. :)
  9. So, using Darnified UI, MCM, OneHUD, and UIO. Everything was working perfectly. Now however, I have no "floating" text in my Pipboy's map in either local or world view. I can still click a location to confirm where it is, but I get no information just by hovering my mouse over a location. What could this be? And is there an easy fix? The only thing I can think of is during a large scale battle, the frame rate dropped to almost zero, which oddly enough continued through several zones. Not even restarting the game helped. After moving to a few different locations and talking to NPCs, the game went back to normal, but that's when I noticed I lost the text. I'm sure a clean reinstall would fix everything, I'm just wondering what it could be. Since all the other text displays properly in HD.
  10. When you say "finish up everything before playing this mod" do you mean only have its .esm activated along with the someguy.esm?
  11. Interesting, I was curious about how the Bounties Trilogy theoretically fit in the New Vegas setting. Since the ending of Bounties III doesn't seem to mesh with a Courier who defeated Ulysses, conquered the Divide, started or halted a second nuclear holocaust and emerged victorious at Hoover Dam. Before those events, it works great. It seems like a natural, 'low point' in his career. Just conjecture here, I skipped ahead and watched the ending since I'll be a while before I finish the saga in my own game.
  12. Also, I'm probably horribly late to the party here. But for getting the quest, "Paid in Full" to trigger for Inheritance. I defeated Zimmerman first, and then reported to Ranger Andy that Charlie station was annihilated. Just never reached that part in my game. No Courier yet. Do I need to restart back before? Or just keep waiting? If all else fails is there a manual way to trigger the quest?
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