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  1. there are several samurai sword addons if you just look for them..
  2. Would be weird, but neat, Id wear it for a while XD (Should someone be feeling fancy, I suggest adding a reflective strip around it, walking under a lamp post or something would make it shine a little and make it a little less static)
  3. Ok, found the one I was talking about before, seen here
  4. Ya. hmmm.. Im pretty sure I saw a mod more like what you were looking for somewhere, I cant recall what it was called and I cant seem to find it... Ill come back if I do run across it again, Sorry that one didnt suit your needs tho, understandable.
  5. Ya, I just ran through there today on a newer character of mine and was thinking the exact same thing, I wouldn't expect it to go back to its former glory but signs of it being re-inhabited, I mean rebels for sure would go there you would think, I mean free base, right? (if the above example, perhaps quest from NCR to clear it out and reclaim?) Not trying to take over the thread or anything, just tossing ideas in the pot.
  6. Hi, this will be my 3rd and final (for now anyway) request, and possibly the simplest of them as far as modeling and so on. I would like to have the sword from Shadow of the Colossus (see below images) Thats the main request here, bonus stuff that would be nice but I don't expect are some of the game extras like the robe/poncho things or the masks or Qweens Blade from Ico (I could not really find any images of this stuff via google, I could get the game out and get some shots myself if you dont already know what Im talking about) But like I said the main part I would like is the Sword (if anyone knows its actual name if it has one, I would like to know) http://www.geekshow.us/wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/shadow-of-the-colossus-light-beam.jpg http://images.wikia.com/shadowofthecolossus/images/5/5e/Ending_cutscenes_Part_1_of_2_-_Shadow_of_the_Colossus_3599.jpg
  7. It would be awesome to see stuff from thing game modeled here, I honestly dont care what I would be excited to see any MH content, great swords, bowguns, monsters, (felyne merchants or companions would be sweet) anything. I could help by providing sfx as needed Anyone have thoughts on this? Examples: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091018131644/monsterhunter/images/0/00/BlazeGS.png http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091003070158/monsterhunter/images/9/9a/IronGS.png http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091003070326/monsterhunter/images/1/1a/NavalGS.png http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100513053143/monsterhunter/images/0/0b/RisingSoul.png http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091022154218/monsterhunter/images/e/e2/RathBowgun.png http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091022151260/monsterhunter/images/d/d7/LagiaBowgun.png http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100413005716/monsterhunter/images/d/d6/Felyne-Compare.png http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100413014146/monsterhunter/images/4/43/Melynx-Compare.png http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100403204851/monsterhunter/images/5/55/Cephalos.png http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100110153640/monsterhunter/images/e/ef/RathalosDifference.png And to sum up, Im not requesting all (or necessarily any) of the stuff in the pictures, I just posted them to show anyone who may not be familiar with the game that there are interesting idea resources from this game.
  8. Ill sum up my thoughts on this thread because there are far to many points I want to pinpoint in detail, This is a request, drop your ideals and stay away if you dont like it. There is no reason to go back and forth about whether a point should be done or not, constructive criticism is fine but you cant try to force the request another way. I wont post my ideals and full opinions, but I like the original base character concept, I would put it in my game, I might not use it but it would be another character to pick, or not. If I had any ability to make mods I would help. Thos are my thoughts on the matter.
  9. Thanks for replies. @UofMTigerFan, I doubt that would work, thats only a short term glitch that as far as I have seen is only noticeable in first person. Honestly I think this would be as simple as just flipping the animations (so long as it doesn't flip the armors, hairs, etc) But I have limited knowledge as to how the animations work, primarily referring to if the animations would effect NCPs and such. If it doesn't all I think it would take is a horizontal flip assuming the programs that edit animations support that (again, limited knowlage, forgive me if I'm ignorantly incorrect) Otherwise it would be a much more painstaking process to remake them in the reverse.
  10. So its been several months sense I played NV, and now Im playing again and have been adding a lotta mods (onto the ones I already had) and I recently made a character that has hair over the right eye and an eye patch over the right eye and now that Im really looking at her from 3rd person, I would really like to see her left handed so that when she aims it makes sense. I have just spent about 30-40 mins with search and haven't really turned up anything, a few spots where someone brought up if it left handed was possible in someone else thread and they never got a reply. So Im making a more official post to ask the question (forgive my if its been asked and I missed it, I honestly did look) Is there a simple way to be left handed? Would it require reversing the animations? Can someone make this happen for me? If it requires reversing the animations Im already assuming and prepared to have to copy and paste over the old meshes every time I want to be left/right handed. Any info will be nice, thanks for reading my request, and sorry for having no post count to only make a request. (I have been around the forums, just never needed to post >.>) ~Zagrom
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