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Nexus Mods Profile

About GunslingerPanda

  1. Been a while since I've done one of these, but finally the workshop's out and the modding has picked up a bit. Sounds Of Skyrim: Dungeons by Cliffworms This is a great mod that adds a bunch of sounds to a variety of dungeons to really pump up the immersion, from rats squeaking to wooden frames creaking. 5 stars! Sounds Of Skyrim: Wilds by Cliffworms Part of the same project, this mod adds a ton of immersion to the wilds of Skyrim, including the sounds of bats flying and the howls of wolves in the night. Fall Of The Space Core, Vol. 1 by Valve You don't need me to tell you what this is. Dwarf Race by Jerry60k HOLY s***, PLAYABLE DWARVES. Jerry60k is my new god for making this. Arms are a little weird and kill animations are broken, but DORFS! If you want to check these out, here's a video: http://youtu.be/LHXhgHweTv8
  2. Hello TESnexus! I'm back again to bring you my latest video, this time highlighting the rather unsatisfying Tolval's Cave. I think I must have missed something here, but oh well.
  3. So because YouTube were taking forever to do their maintenance yesterday, I had to hold #2 back so both 2 and 3 went up today. I'm enjoying making these videos so I hope you enjoy watching them too. I've taken some feedback from these forums and feel I have made some good steps to improving them, and I'll be turning subtitles on for future videos after watching back the most recent one. Subscribe/Like/Retweet/Etc. #2 - #3 - Darklight Tower So, the forum will only let me post 1 video (?) and I don't want to clog it up with another thread, so I guess just click the links for #2 and the second part of Darklight Tower, which turned out to be quite a good dungeon and that's why I left that video in rather than #2.
  4. Hi Nate, Thank you for the feedback. I initially left in the journey to the dungeon in case the audience wanted to see how I got there and hey, who doesn't love a dragon fight? It looks like this was an unpopular decision though, so in future I'll just skip straight to the dungeon.
  5. To embed you need to go to the video's page, not it's playthrough on your personal page. So instead of [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/user/TheStormBlokes?feature=guide#p/a/u/1/bTzZJTqbVrg[/youtube] You use [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTzZJTqbVrg[/youtube] And then you have Anyways, watching the video now (it sounds like a good idea) Edit: It's a good idea, though I think there should be a bit more planning involved. The first few minutes, while hilarious with your gravity defying horse, aren't very thrilling and you seem to have a very awkward take on speaking to your computer screen that is taking the place of those watching your video. All in all it's a great little video, but I think it needs some work. Can't wait to see more from you. Thanks for the reply and the help with the youtube stuff. I absolutely agree that I need to work on it some more, but I'm hoping that will come with experience and time. I will definitely take on board your point about differentiating between the screen and the audience though, I hadn't really thought of it that way so thank you.
  6. Hello, friends. I'm going to be doing a daily video feature on Youtube in which I go to random dungeons and attempt to clear them out, beginning with Harmugstahl. Does anyone know how to embed Youtube videos? Just spent five minutes fiddling with the options and no luck.
  7. The game has only been out for a short while, and already there are some great mods out. Here are some of my favourites: FXAA Post Process Injector: This is a great mod that breathes a bit more life into the world of Skyrim by adding some much needed colour to it. There are four presets to choose from, all of which are great. depending on your preference. http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=131 QD Inventory: This is my favourite mod. It completely rebuilds the inventory screen into something much more PC-friendly. I love the game, but Bethesda sure did screw up by making a more console-focused game this time, but this mod goes a big way toward fixing that. The inventory screen is no longer an unwieldy mess! http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=667 No More Blocky Faces: Perhaps my second favourite mod this far, this one does exactly as it's name implies. If the blockiness of the NPC's faces has been annoying you as much as it did me, you will love this mod. http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30 Enhanced Night Skyrim: A purely aesthetic mod, this one just adds more colour to the stars in the night sky. I think it also adds some real-life constellations. http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=85 Killable Children: :D http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=774 I have begun a YouTube channel in which I'll be posting mod spotlights such as this as well as other Skyrim goodies. http://www.youtube.com/user/TheStormBlokes?feature=guide#p/a/u/2/iVX990JOoVU
  8. It definitely didn't have the same impact on me as Oblivion's ending.
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