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Posts posted by Grilian

  1. Hey everyone! I have a problem in Fallout 4 I installed a mod called Tina's Cookiepocalypse, which unfortunately does not have a posts section where I could ask my question. I was checking out the features of the mod, one of them being setting essential npcs to non essential. The npcs get turned non essential upon loading. I reloaded a save I made before the installation of said mod, but the effected npcs are still non essential. The command "setessential (baseID) 1" does not work on them. I hope someone here has an idea.


    In response to post #34803495. #34811725 is also a reply to the same post.




    THEDUCK123 wrote: I edited the ini files for fallout but for some reason all my mods are gone when I go in game. The mods worked before but when patch 1.3 came out everything got messed up. NMM still has them checked off when I got to check (while fo4 is still running). Any Ideas on what I should do?
    Grilian wrote: Try to start the launcher using the one in the upper left corner of the NMM.

    Didn't work, anything else?

    Also my mods disappeared from the mods tab but the plugins are still showing, this might be part of the problem.


    No, sorry. Maybe try reinstalling your game and the mods. But if you intend to go with the beta update, then many mods will have compability issues anyway now.

  3. In response to post #34803495.

    THEDUCK123 wrote: I edited the ini files for fallout but for some reason all my mods are gone when I go in game. The mods worked before but when patch 1.3 came out everything got messed up. NMM still has them checked off when I got to check (while fo4 is still running). Any Ideas on what I should do?

    Try to start the launcher using the one in the upper left corner of the NMM.
  4. Might be a bit late, but I notived that when the character first enters Vault 111, we can't run and are forced to walk. During that time we can use the slow walking (the PC default walking), and the regular walking. So maybe a mod could force this not running and bind the regular walking to be toggled by a key.

  5. Unfortunately Bethesda did it again with Fallout 4: the normal walking is too slow. Of course we could increase our speed using 'player.setav speedmult xxx', but this increases all the speeds.
    For a better immersive experience I would like to have (crouching aside): slow walking, regular walking, running and sprinting, like the people that use the console can do. I never found a mod like that for previous Bethesda games, so maybe it is hard to implement.

    But I have an idea: the first time we enter Vault 111, we can't run, because we are forced to walk. Instead of running, the character uses the slow walking and the regular walking when the player toggles running. My idea (and I just started the basics of modding, so I don't know whether that's possible or not), is to use the lines that force walking in this instance and binding it to a key, making it accesible whenever we want.

    If someone out here wants to be able to travel like a gentleman/lady without 'slowmotion', too, or just wants to take a nice walk with your dog, whatever really, then this might be a way to implement it.

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