had an idea after I finished watching LoTR again. I could try create a middle-earth mod. do you think it's a good idea for a mod? and if so would you download it? Weapons and Armor Create all the iconic weapons seen in the series. e.g. Gandalf and Saruman's Staves, Narsil, Glamdring etc. Create more general weapons e.g. Urukhai Swords Create armors seen in the movies e.g. Heavy and Light Versions of Rohan Armor, Gondor Armor, Harad Armor, Uruk-hai Armor Iconic Armors too e.g. Gandalf's Robes, Theoden's Armor, Aragorn Ranger Clothes Recreate all 20 Rings of power. 3 Elven Rings, 7 Dwarven Rings, 9 Human Rings + the One ring, each with different powers and found in different ways (bosses, quests etc.) Monsters/Bosses Replace dragons with fell beasts (the things the Nazguls flew on) Create 9 Nazguls that roam the land (maybe when you equip the one ring they will start heading towards you.) Giant eagles Oliphaunts Wargs Trolls Balrogs Sauron Races Dwarves Hobbits Orcs Urukhai Dunedain Ainur Men Elves Map Maybe we could recreate middle earth and replace Skyrim or place it below Skyrim so that you can play in both of them. Quests Get the ring to mount doom. There would be a Frodo npc and you have to either protect him until the ring is destroyed or steal the ring and bring it to Sauron. [factions] Kill the Balrog Take over Isengard/take over Minas Tirith. Free the Dead Men of Dunharrow