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About baloo42

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    DS, Baldur's Gate, Skyrim
  1. Baloo-bear is taking a winter nap :)
  2. ASIS was in there in earlier tests (before i added all the other encounter mods to the equation), but all i get with it now are crashes even with minimal spawns, i think the spawns are overloading my resources. Or like in a recent mod by Fifty-Tifty, namely "More Spawns - Scriptless", he describes how ASIS uses a kajillion scripts to run, so this could be the issue causing instability. So i've decided to lean towards the old trustworthy DFB random encounters, which really fills the gap nicely
  3. i worked up a decent mix using mostly "NPC encounter" mods, i generally shy away from the "creature" mods. Here is my list, and yes, the load order is important! >> Immediate Dragons >> Tekuromoto's Less predictable respawn [set this to 12/36 hours] >> SOT - Sleeping Encounters >> Enhanced High Lvl Gameplay >> Populated Dungeons/Caves/Ruins >> Populated Forts/Towers/Places [Lite] >> Cults of Skyrim >> OBIS [using version from 2013/10 - the later one is overloading my resources] >> Creepy Zombies >> ERSO 02 - EFMS >> ERSO 09.2 - Radiance >> Immersive Dawnguard >> Extra Encounters [CSP] >> Extended Encounters >> DFB - Random Encounters [set to 300 seconds/10% chance for spawn/0% for multiple groups] i have had to drop the values quite a bit for DFB when using it with all these other encounter mods, or else the game will CTD. Comments and feedback are welcome Happy hunting
  4. i worked up a decent mix using mostly "NPC encounter" mods, i generally shy away from the "creature" mods. Here is my list, and yes, the load order is important! >> Immediate Dragons >> Tekuromoto's Less predictable respawn [set this to 12/36 hours] >> SOT - Sleeping Encounters >> Enhanced High Lvl Gameplay >> Populated Dungeons/Caves/Ruins >> Populated Forts/Towers/Places [Lite] >> Cults of Skyrim >> OBIS >> Creepy Zombies >> ERSO 02 - EFMS >> ERSO 09.2 - Radiance >> ERSO 10.04 - Immersive Brigands >> ERSO 11 - Assassins and Thieves >> Immersive Dawnguard >> Extra Encounters [CSP] >> Extended Encounters >> DFB - Random Encounters [set to 300 seconds/10% chance for spawn/5% for multiple groups] i have had to drop the values quite a bit for DFB when using it with all these other encounter mods, or else the game with CTD. Comments and feedback are welcome. Happy hunting
  5. The idea here is to increase the reward you feel when gaining new character levels in Skyrim. It is as simple as this... To read new spell books player has discovered >> player must first Lvl up To advance new Lvl's which player has gained >> player must first find a place to rest Two very simple rules, which help reinforce the feeling of unlocking new levels of experience in the game. It is also a sensible thing, because the player will need to rest and meditate on the experience which he/she has gained on their adventures. As well as needing time to study the arcane arts. Any feedback/comments are welcome
  6. Very Important!! My advice is to not use BOSS or LOOT for ordering your mods. i have had experience in using both of these auto-sorters, and they will break your "Perk-trees" which are governed by your mod order list. A prime example is that i had Vile Concoctions being overwritten by Empowered Magic. Another example is if you are running multiple creature encounter mods, which add/edit spawn points in Skyrim. In this scenario i had nothing but deer spawns after using the auto-sorters. Using these auto-sorters will break your tried and tested mod order. Best to use some common sense, and use TES5Edit to check where conflicts are occurring, so you can adjust them by yourself. (my hopes were up when the new Loot came out, but much to my dismay)
  7. Hi everyone, Well, this system is now in it's tenth iteration, Most inspiration (if not all), was taken from my oldschool D&D Dungeon Master Guide! (not familiar with this: this is the root of all RPG's, stemming from the 1980's, when PC games as we know them were almost non-existent) What i have tried to do is blend in elements from the core system into the Skyrim experience, and hopefully with little loss of immersion. They are simply things to keep in mind as you advance your character, as well as certain aspects during gameplay. Beware, those who choose to venture past these ancient doors, for gold will become indeed precious, and so will your blood! Please enjoy <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> COMBAT - player may not save during combat - all potion and spell buffs must be done before combat - may only use healing potions/spells when out of range of attacking enemy /////////////// - after player death, player may reload before combat - player has 2 further attempts to win the combat - if failed on the 3rd attempt, player must now take a "Death Token" and move on to next scenario/exit dungeon! (note: only one "Death Token" per combat scenario is ever taken in this way - i use dice as my death tokens) - after player collects three death tokens, see "Death Penalty" section /////////////// PLAYER INVENTORY - max items: 3 per article (this includes alchemy ingredients) - weapons: 5 total (eg. 2 bows, 3 blades) - armor: 2 full suits (ie. 2 of each article of clothing) - lock picks/throwing weapons/potions/salt piles/leather strips: 10 max each [may only craft/find lockpicks >> not purchase] - arrows: 40 max - bolts: 40 max /////////////// HIRING FOLLOWERS player character must have reached indicated Lvl to be able to hire the follower - hire your 1st follower - Lvl 5 (extra 500 GP*, this makes a total of 1000 GP) - hire your 2nd follower - Lvl 10 (extra 1500 GP*, bringing it to a total of 2000 GP) /////////////// LOCKPICKING limited to 3 attempts to pick a lock /////////////// LVL UP player must first find a place to rest before any Leveling up can take place /////////////// DEATH PENALTY this happens once player has collected 3 "Death Tokens" - player must discard a weapon/armor [roll 6-sided dice: odd weapon /even armor] (note: this weapon must be one of the 3 highest value items) - player must also pay a gold penalty in accordance with LVL - Lvl 1-5 [100GP] - Lvl 5-10 [500Gp] - Lvl 10 up [1000GP] /////////////// ADVANCED RULE VARIANTS: /////////////// TEMPLE BLESSING [100GP] /////////////// HOW TO PAY FOR SKILLS/UNLOCKS: - buy item amounting to the indicated value, then discard this item * this indicates value that must be payed by this method, not the total payment <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> FURTHER NOTES - all LVL no's are minimum LVL requirements to unlock ability/item /////////////// Here you can find a character sheet for your convenience(just copy and paste it to a notepad) Your Feedback and Comments are welcome :wink: <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>
  8. There are some nice ideas you have here :)
  9. Check out this very interesting and in-depth article for some great ideas on how to roleplay your character http://www.uesp.net/wiki/User:PsijicOrder/Skyrim_Roleplaying_Ideas/Wilderness_Dweller Here is one by another author http://skyrimroleplayguide.blogspot.com/
  10. oh, i really liked the "Sorcerers Apprentice" scene from Fantasia! ...haha, this sounds like a real blast! :D ( it is amazing how long these memories of classic roleplaying really stick with us, and how vivid they remain ... we still get together to play Euro board games, they fit in great with todays busy lifestyle ) Lol, that is one hell-of-a energy bunny you have built! You should nick-name him Duracell :tongue: Ants ... coolios ... i'm headed to Riverwood next then! :thumbsup: Wow, it sounds like you need those slow-time effects they do in the movies... maybe some Matrix 'bullet-time' will do the trick :D Ps. with regards to Battle Fatigue, i might just have found a better alternative (my problem with Battle Fatigue, is that the injuries never heal, even with sleep ... so i always have to use the console for it ... as do many other players for this mod, and it's one hell-of-a long console command) this is what i found (lol, you can only get the German version on Nexus!) "Dynamic Injuries" http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/files/file/244-more-dynamic-injuries/ (this mod includes stitches, bandages, and the injuries come in different shapes and sizes, for example, you can get burns ... i still need to test this mod out, but it sounds promising) i highly recommend this very recent mod "SIPPS" http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48430/?tab=3&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fuser%3D0%26id%3D48430 this will make certain special ingredients give your potions a stronger boost ... also gives healing potions a duration effect and last and most important imo, it boosts the effects of all poisons, making specific changes to each effect (haha, i was really hoping to get my Skyrim working in time for Xmas, instead my gift to myself was to rebuild my entire mod compilation from scratch ... but i am happy to say it is finally finished and working! -- and i have promised myself not to touch a single dial, as tempting as it may be)ps. i did find something else i could do without ... "Hearthfire" ... lol, i don't think i will find the time to decorate my house or adopt children, when what all i want to do is get powerful enough to be able to slay one of ERSO's Mighty Dragons ;) on another note, check out this very heart-warming link http://metro.co.uk/2013/12/25/top-10-heart-warming-and-inspirational-stories-in-2013-that-will-restore-your-faith-in-humanity-4222705/ and this one is for the die-hard LOTR fans (although i think she is more of a Lady Gaga impersonator) http://metro.co.uk/2013/12/23/there-are-lord-of-the-rings-fans-and-then-there-are-those-who-have-their-ears-pointed-to-look-like-an-elf-4241725/
  11. Yep Chan! i think that CPU would be the culprit there, but i think it really comes down to the scripting engine itself, well that's as far as what i have read apparently it has something to do with the fact that they built Skyrim using their older framework, ie. 32-bit app but that's all very technical stuff i think GPU will always be the bottleneck as far as Skyrim goes, after all, it is 90% aesthetic :smile: (that is until you start adding mass amounts of spawns, then your CPU goes into overload, which usually starts with crazy lagging, and then CTD, or BSOD if you're not careful! ... like me :smile:) they did some interesting tests on games and CPU loads, turns out that GTA4 (probably 5 now) had the most intensive CPU load, due to mass amounts of AI calculations i'm sure that other things are also demanding CPU usage, but this is a biggy! i almost thought i blew my computer at one time while pushing the spawns on Skyrim! i hope you do get one before the next-gen games come out, and then i will also be the one looking for a new rig :wink: (just remember to buy it in components if you can, soooo much cheaper that way)
  12. Thank you Kanesghost, so glad to have found you here :happy: This is my attempt at finding a sense of realism without using mods xD (i would make it into a mod if only i knew how) PS. i think the mod you mentioned in another post, "Living of the land", would go great with this
  13. Wow! Dineyland! that is one wild roleplaying experience, please don't mention what mischievous deeds were done unto poor Mickey Mouse xD ... and all the way to China! talk about an inter-continental adventure! :tongue: Keep it going with your mod setup, just last night i scanned through my whole list and found about 20 mods i can do without, so gonna give that a go tonight i am also into problems with scripts now, did the papyrus thing, but not much doing there ... i am considering dropping Frostfall, but i really hope it doesn't come down to that - Lol, i also think this game has become a bit of an obsession ... and it just keeps growing :devil: //////////////////////// The Bandages mod is really great, i am so glad i used your suggestion :smile: Battle & Fatigue - quite a bit has happened here initially i was using this with 'Locational Damage' (with headshots disabled) and 'Duel Combat' combo, topped with some 'Revenge of the Enemies' (i also since tried Duel 7 after you mentioned it, i read it had extra-hard AI - this was really fun too) i think that Battle Fatigue is great for the sustained injuries through multiple combats ... and with Bandages, oh wow! Lol, i'm still trying to find my first ant ... i think i saw one once before i started messing with all the grass and stuff ... but i still think i was hallucinating :tongue: Ps. i wish i could get Skybirds to work with a heavy mod load!!! but i am able to run a flying bugs mod, i always cherish those magical moments! when i do find an ant again, i think i might just see what it tastes like xD
  14. omg!! i am praised! the original, one & only author of OBIS!!!!!! This is by far my favorite mod, alongside with WIS. i simply love all the variations that the bandits come in -- no more encounters made out of the self-same mold as the last! i'm always checking back to your page, just to see if i maybe missed an update ... do you have any future plans for any more mods? Thank you for your feedback on this Yeah, i agree! i have since trashed the idea of Shopping, the economy from 'Unleashed' is making me pay through the roof already! i have revised the rules above, trashed Gold and Property limitations, as they are just too much to keep track of (this is me trying to fight against Skyrim immersion - well, the immersion factor always wins xD) i also trashed the idea about Enchanted items, i agree with your sentiment here The class thing is something i would like to keep, as i find it makes each new playthrough unique, with new challenges, and helps define my character ... i also use alignment as a governing factor here, ie. if i play Nord Warrior, i am generally a virtuous man, and will not steal, no matter how tempting ... but he will bend the law, if he sees good coming from it (i come from the oldschool D&D pen&paper era, so i always fall back to this domain to govern all my RPG experiences) i have slightly tweaked the 'Death Token' rules, making it so that you can actually avoid getting a Death Token, that is if i successfully manage to flee ... on the other hand, i have increased the consequence of collecting 3 tokens, now forcing me to discard an equipped weapon/armor! (but it's really okay imo, just think of all the hundreds of things you will still be getting on your adventures through Skyrim ... if you survive ^-^)
  15. Thank you for your reply! after i got your feedback, i revised the rules above, some of these did not work when testing them on a playthrough, others i completely forgot to keep track of (all thanks to the Skyrim immersion factor xD) After trying this system once, the inventory limitation really makes the experience much better - as i am forced to look for other ways to try and heal myself! (because if i carried 10 Full Healing potions, nothing would really phase me) (and the great thing is, your inventory will never be cluttered again!) This coupled with "Fire of Vigor" and "Dukes Combat" really makes for a rewarding experience Fire of Vigor - disables health regen, and restore health at fire sources Duke Combat - everything you do in combat drains stamina i came up with this idea to address the issue of me dying, and simply reloading, and never caring otherwise! i know there are "No Death" mods, but they are either not compatible, and the ones that do work, were lackluster
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