Something like this wouldn't be too difficult, I'm terribad at explaining things so bare with me... You will need NifSkope and some kind of texture editing software like photoshop, or if your in need of something cheaper/less complicated should work for this.Read this thread. It really helped me, props to Mofakin for a great tutorial!Have some patience, spend some time learning NifSkope it's great for simple model edits like this.Edit: You'll also need B.A.E to extract files from the game. Alright, down to the specifics (sort of). The easiest way to pull this off would be to wear the 3 outfits at the same time so you'll probably need something like this (Might not work but it's worth trying). After reading that tutorial you should know how to make certain parts of clothing invisible (see where i'm going?) You'll have to add an NiAlphaProperty to the models and edit the textures so that everything but the parts you want are transparent. Now put on all the pieces and BOOM, new outfit! Let me know if you have any more questions or want to tell me how bad of a "tutorial" this is.