To expand on my post from yesterday. There's quite a few things I don't like about New Vegas. Number one has to be the game crashes and screen freezes. Considering the screen freezes were in Fallout 3, the fact that they weren't ironed out in New Vegas I thought was unbelievable since Fallout 3 is two years old, but when there were more game crashes and freezes, well that was just taking the piss imo. I'm talking about the PlayStation 3 here by the way. Other major complaint was that I thought it was missing "feeling". In Fallout 3 it came across as if people genuinely needed you to help them. In New Vegas, there isn't that feeling. I don't really like the main quest either, I might be being picky here, but the whole point of the game is finding Benny and getting revenge so I was pretty disappointed when I found him so quickly. To me, once I got revenge on Benny that was that. Everyone else seems fine, there's no "feeling" of being needed by people in the game. NCR and The Legion are fighting over the dam, House/NCR/Legion want to take control over Vegas. In terms of the actual player character, he/she isn't from Vegas (just delivering the platinum chip if I followed things correctly) so why would they care who controls Vegas? I found myself putting more energy into doing the Brotherhood of Steel questline and doing the stuff for Veronica. Seemed more interesting than the A, B, C, or D ending of the main questline - all pointed out clearly for you to see what would happen. In the game I got as far as killing Benny in Ceasar's tent and upgrading Mr House's robots. I could clearly see how it would end, I choose A, B, C or D and something happens that stops me from playing the game after I make my choice. I also thought the Strip was too small. After seeing so much of it before the game came out and hearing how the designers were saying how amazing it was, I was expecting it to be a lot bigger than it was. I was also expecting less ruined towns and boarded up buildings since "Vegas was never hit by a bomb like DC was". Had I not paid £70 for the Special Edition box-set of New Vegas I would have returned the game.