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About pbpoovanna

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  1. someone should seriously think about including dive rolling during combat and parry and counter kill moves to make the combat more interesting
  2. WHAT ARE MODDERS waiting for ??? make this armore set already!!!!!!!!!! please!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Well, Skyrim is a universe, and batman requires no necessarily universe breaking rules to work. Whose to say an imperial doesn't decide to fight crime using the form of a bat? Obviously you don't have modern batman, you have mediavel batman: like this pic I found: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs47/f/2009/211/e/c/Medieval_Fantasy_Batman_by_chriss2d.jpg OMG someone should make this batman medivel armor set!! f**king awesome!!
  4. hey modders and other skyrim fans i just want to ask -do i need to know the use of software languages such as c++ and other software languages to use the creation kit (once it comes out). i am not a software pro so wondering if there is any use of dreaming about creating stuff with the CK. If no knowledge is needed will a guide and tutorial be available? does it have an interface like that found in CATIA & AUTOCAD ?? is it something like that?? a bunch of tools/buttons to play around with?? THANKS
  5. cool just saw it on witcher.com patch 1.3 on its way thanks anyway
  6. and when is it coming out ? if u dont mind me asking :)
  7. hey witcher fans and modders!!! thank you for putting up all these great mods !! i have an idea for a mod- in witcher 1 we had the option of storing loot with the inn keeper if u remember, which was great especially rare ingredients could be stored for later use when it mattered!! but sadly we dont have this option in WITCHER 2 :( and certain ingredients can only be obtained in FLOTSAM in witcher 2 and these wont be available again in the later chapters if we wanted to use them for traps and bombs..........so my dear beloved modders can u make a mod which allows us store all the loot (outside of geralt's back pack) we collect in witcher 2 please??? store it with some craftsman or inn-keeper or canteen etc??..........or a mod to remove the weight limit??
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