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Posts posted by JuJooGuppy

  1. Havent tried it on my PC yet as I havent had time, but it stutters like all hell on the GF's PC. Her's isnt a world-beater, and Fallout 4 runs okay on it (It SHOULD run perfectly fine, but, you know, ancient game engine, buggy coding etc...), but down in those caves... her game gets badddd.

  2. Its a single thread that he periodically updates for those that were a fan of his FO4 mod work, and are curious what he is up to now. Yes, it is not directly FO4 mod related. But it also is a single thread, hurts nothing, and made logical sense to let people in the FO4 mod community know where he went to. I dont see what the problem is, at all...

  3. Having a bit of the DLC focus on the settlements would have been less of an issue if it wasnt simply adding items to the system that by and large modders could / already had done. Instead, they shouldve released DLC's to give settlements more of a role in the actual gameplay, and find ways to help merge it more into the game and make it important.

    They should have also worked on the god awful AI. Perhaps for people who hate creating settlements, but wanted to have more towns to sell goods / store goods etc, they couldve added a system for auto-building settlements. Something like, pay X amount of caps to build a stage 1 settlement, that takes a bit of time in game to show up. Wouldve been nifty for people who dislike building them, or people who don't want to build up every settlement / are on playthrough numer 20 and dont want to rebuild.

    They couldve also added more story functionality to the settlements. Add in more unique NPCs that can wander in that provide unique story lines. With Nuka World, add in the ability to side with raiders INSTEAD of the Minute Men. if you joined the raiders, instead of getting word of settlements that need help, you get word of settlements that are ripe for the taking. Get a few raiders together and RAID the settlement to take it over as your own.

    There are lots of ways settlements could have been drastically improved via DLC that people would have really really liked.

  4. Since we are on the topic of paid mods now..

    Personally, my biggest concern with paid mods is the user entitlement. As it currently stands, users constantly feel entitled, wanting the mod made to their exact desires, or yelling and cussing when things go wrong. This is easy to ignore, as they are getting a free resource. But now, if they start PAYING for it, I imagine there will be a lot more entitlement issues, and honestly they would have at least some justification as well.

    Just a thought.

  5. What happens if Pew wins the grand prize? Since it states the grand winner will "-have NVIDIA engineering support for their Mod creation." Does that mean they will offer up NVIDIA's services in helping him to further build the pew pew mod?

    Lol. This whole thing, is so god damn stupid. I am actually glad that I ran into health issues and didn't complete what I wanted to enter, as it wouldve lost to this horse s#*! and caused me to get really, really mad.

  6. I mean no offense to the author of Pew lasers, but that has no business being a 'top mod' eligible for $10,000.

    I absolutely guarantee that my raider workshop add-on for settlements took FAR more effort and adds far more to the game, and I don't believe it shouldve even been considered at this point, as there are some truly great mods out there.


    The fact that someone saying pew pew and replacing the laser sound with it is up for serious prizes, is insane. There were other questionable selections as pointed out. Whole thing seems like BS to me, I didnt enter because I figured I would get wrecked by really innovative mods and modders, not by pew pew's....

  7. Most likely never. Making new animations for FO4 requires the 64 bit Havok animation SDK, which is locked behind a substantial paywall (even a basic license to use it costs a couple thousand dollars). On top of that not many people outside professional game studios know how to use the program anyway. And even if that weren't an issue, the only way to inject new animations into the game is via F4SE, which means they'll never work on consoles or for anyone that doesn't use F4SE.



    There is the one guy that is working slowly but surely on creating tools for it, I always forget his damned name which I feel bad about.. but he has been slowly making progress last I heard. So, it may be possible.. some day.


    I hadnt heard the F4SE part of the issue, though. Why is it necessary for getting new animations into the game?



    I have said elsewhere that it should always be STORY first and everything else second. A Role Playing Game must have a good story to give heft and believe-ability to the Role I will be Playing. Without a good story, FO games are reduced to being just another FPS with ghouls and radiation.



    But point still stands. If I go looking for story, I look at Obsidian or Bioware. With Bethesda I don't expect to be drawn in by the story. That's what I don't get with certain people. Bethesda games have always been the same. A little bit of polish here and there, but nothing in terms of immersion or story has really changed since 2002.


    So, again. I got what I bargained for. And I'm amazed at anyone expecting more after 14 years of more of the same.




    Except Skyrim is a Bethesda title, as is Oblivion, and they have a ton of story content, good bad or otherwise. FO4 is lacking severely in this department.

  9. You two can stop already, neither of you are better than the other, and both are right that this definitely is in the wrong forum. Quit trying to compare peckers in public!

    Ultimately, since its a mod request, it should be in the mod request board, with a (SPOILERS) tag in the title. That would be the ideal version.

  10. While I commend you for thinking of ideas and sharing them, and would encourage you to learn to mod yourself to work on future ideas, I would suggest that you take a moment to punctuate and organize your thoughts next time. This reads like an overly long, rambling thought, and a lot of people will be turned off from reading it.

  11. I imagine some people either don't realize they even got donations (How does it inform you exactly..? I would have no idea if I got one..) or had no way to know who did it. Im sure some people are just rude and have no common courtesy, but I would think (and hope) thats a minority. I know if I knew I had received such a thing and from who, I would make it abundantly clear what that meant to me. If I didnt know who did it, I would likely still do a general thank you, because that is how I was raised, and I would truly appreciate someone doing that type of thing.

    I am hoping that they just dont realize it or some such.

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