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Everything posted by Tulius
Thanks, I will have a look. And, no, I still didn't try it yet. I already seen it, but still didn't download it. I finished recently Starfield, and I am beginning to "upgrade" it with mods for the next round... maybe I will try to mod something, with my limited capabilities. I already made some light mods to other games. And I think that mod makes sense. Anyway, the routines here seem simpler, compared with previous titles.
We had this in other Bethesda games, so I hope that we can't see this for Starfield... the houses are a little empty without people!
Indeed, in Fallout NV we had "Willow - A Better Companion Experience" by llamaRCA and Nivea, in Skyrim I recall "Vilja" by Emma Amgepo Lycanthrops, and among others we had the sister in Fallout 3, or the wife Nora in Fallout 4, or even Heather Casdin again by llamaRCA... all wonderfull mod companions, some with quests, and this was just to say a few. I hope we can see something similar in Starfield, we really need it, the vanilla companions are few and... vanilla. I would like to see some Medieval planet, I woudn't say "Skyrim" (well, I said it...), but something... Medieval... with swords and spears. There was the "sword and planet" adventures in literature and comics that can give good ideas for mods for "Lost Planets" that became isolated from mankind. From John Carter in Barsoom (doesn't need to be Mars); Mongo ruled by Ming, in Flash Gordon; Etheria/Eternia in the Masters of the Universe; "Fire and Ice" animation movie from 1983, by Frank Frazetta and Ralph Bakshi; The Mercenary, by Segrelles; or even the planet from Avatar... well, I will not mention Fallout or other post-apocalyptic inpired planets (now I recall that there was a mod for Fallout New Vegas that introduced Riddick as a companion)... Another thing that would be interesting to see would be a Robinsonade quest (from Robinson Crusoe), a crash in a planet where we would have to collect materials, or recover a ship, to get out of there... we saw that theme in movies like "65" or "After Earth", or the older "Robinson Crusoe on Mars". EDIT: On the other hand, I would like to see a planet with a big, big city... with vehicles... it is odd that we seem to be the only ones in the universe to have a land vehicle. I mean we saw cities with people and vehicles in games decades ago, can't we have that in Starfield?
Hi! I am new to the Skyrim universe and just got the SE (yes, although I am a Fallout fan for ages, I am new here)... So, I begun to search for some mods and follower mods and noticed that there are some that I would like to see, particularly some from other fantasy universes (well, not really 100%lore friendly, but just for fun, and all in the realms of fantasy). Some ideas for the many talented moders out there: * Many years ago (well in 1983 or in the following year) I saw the animated epic dark fantasy movie “Fire and Ice”, from Ralph Bakshi (Frank Frazetta was a producer). The movie impressed me, not particularly by the story, but by the atmosphere and some characters, particularly the mysterious Darkwolf, the lovely Teegra, and even the evil queen Juliana. For quick reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_and_Ice_(1983_film) * My first fantasy videogames were still played in the ZX Spectrum 48k… a long, long time ago… and two were a landmark: “The Lords of Midnight” (1984) and Doomdark's Revenge (1986), both from Mike Singleton. They were outstanding for their time. I really would like to see some interpretations of the characters in Skyrim: Luxor the Moonprince, Rorthron the Wise, Corleth the Fey, Morkin and Doomdark from the first game and Tarithel or Shareth the Heartstealer from the second. Again some Wikipedia links for reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lords_of_Midnight https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doomdark%27s_Revenge Now, some more known from the public: * Death Dealer, iconic character by Frank Frazetta: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_Dealer_(painting)#/media/File:DeathDealer.jpg I saw a mod where he is a foe, but it would be cool to see him as a follower. * Conan the Barbarian, the character from Robert E. Howard – I saw already some mods, one that even had a custom voice that seemed like Schwarzenegger, and he looked like him, but his lines were about motorcycles… so quite un-immersive! * Red Sonja (still inspired in Robert E. Howard)… there are a couple out there but I miss some custom dialogues… maybe I didn’t look well enough… * Merlin from the Arthurian legends… well… at least some very old wizard… I just saw a mod where he is a specter, without physical form. ... If some of these mods were already made and some of you would like to recommend them to me, I will gladly accept the recommendation to try them. *** EDIT: for those that never saw the movie "Fire and Ice", it is avaiable on Youtube:
Thanks dinozaurz! I am on it. I enjoyed your mod, I hope you can return to modding some day...
Bug List - If you find bugs post them here
Tulius replied to Grasmann's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Don’t know if this is the right place, but here it goes (I am using mods): Settlements disappear on the settlement list when you want to send a NPC there. -
Good idea! I just notice that I had almost of my good stuff on those shelves... I can use the mod again at least to recover all that!!!
With the nick "dinozaurz", it would make more sense. In the mod that he has avaiable the esp file is dinomore.esp, so it is not that one. Meanwhile I found that the mod is mentioned here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_D5zbz8Avr0 3:47 and following: "Do it your shelf" by Dinozaurz... that means that the mod was removed... :sad: If someone knows how to find the mod, please give me a hand... Anyaway, thanks HeyYou... you lead me to finding the author. EDIT: this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16186 has a link in the bottom, in my other mods, to "Do it your shelf" and leads to here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14532/? I will try the Bethesda site again.
I don't play FO4 for a couple of years and meanwhile I changed PC. I am instaling it again, with all the mods I had (+100), recovered the savegames, but currently I have been some dificulty to find some files that the savegame is asking me: dinoshelf.esp dinoshelf_extra_ammo.esp dinoshelf_retex.exp I even presumed that is this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14532 that was removed from Nexus, But then I went to the Bethesda site and got a mod that has the file "creativeclutter.esp". Is the mod the same and was just renamed? If not... any tip?
Gene seems hard to find. A junkyard dog vendor in the Commonwealth, established in one place, near a settlement or a marked place, would be excellent. I am trying to do it but until now it has been a huge disaster, so it would be interesting to see a well done mod about it.
In the Creation Club Bethesda “gives” us 100 credits to begin with… With those 100 credits I bought some items for “0” zero credits, in promotion. More recently I bought for 100 credits some paint job for the weapons. It was a mistake, since now with “0” credits it seems that I am not able to buy new items, even if their price is also “0”. So it seems that if you want to wait for some items to drop to zero, in promotion, don’t spend all your caps…
Some requ7est/ideas for mods... some already fom FO3/NV
Tulius replied to Tulius's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
Yep, I already saw it :) Not exactly what I had in mind :D -
Some requ7est/ideas for mods... some already fom FO3/NV
Tulius replied to Tulius's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
Thanks! I am new at FO4, still didn't explore much Far Harbor... By the way... it seems this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21498/ answers to some of my requests... -
Probably some of these ideas/requests were already made, but I didn’t see them and I am new to Fallout 4, some are old from Fallout3 and New Vegas: · I enjoyed in Fallout 3 the mod “Ties that bind”: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/19941, so I would enjoy also a mod with a character from the family of Nola/Noran, maybe again a sister, since we already have one for Nora: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24680/?tab=description, I use many mod companions as Settlers, they are more individualized than the general settler and give more immersion, because most have at least a small back story. · A guitar or piano player NPC (or any other instrument), it would be awesome with the singing settler mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14627/, we had them in New Vegas and a mod in FO3; · We had a caravan guard work for caps mod already in Fallout! Just following a caravan! It is immersive! · A dog vendor NPC in a fixed place… even with bigger prices… I never can find that damn vendor!!! · An out of lore thing… a heresy: Horses… I would love to ride horses… but they could be something like the gorillas… · Playing cards (poker) with NPCs for caps! · Box (or free fight) fights with money bets! Cait would love it! If one or some of these mods already exist… please post a link! Thanks! EDIT: Typo, by "requ7est" in the thread title, I wanted to write "requests"! and by fom", I wanted to write "from"!
Agreed! At it gives a "film noir" genre to the game!
There is this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24680/?tab=description I really enjoy it! The author says that is a WIP, but seems totally playable.
Thanks, I will try this! EDIT: ""hi ortegaHB,i must be tired cause i don't understand the goggle translate,i must launch steam and paste : (steam://nav/console) in the box?you mean the box search of steam.i tryed but i can't write more than steam://nav/con ,there's no enought place to write it enterly.can you expline it differently,please,realy sorry to be a dumb. :o("" Try this: And, the file goes to where? EDIT: ...\Steam\SteamApps\content\app_377160\depot_377162, I presume!!
Besides, at this point, most of the modders are working in other Fallout titles, like NV and exploring/beginning to understand Fallout 4. The major efforts aren't for FO3 anymore.
Mod To Get GNR To Stop Implying I Buy Human Slaves When...
Tulius replied to mindumindumindu's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Ideas
I think that is a cool thing at the beginning. Anyway, you can use a new radio station mod. I use Hamada: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/9480/? You can chose the 20 songs that you will hear. -
I am a Fallout world fan, And I still didn’t bought Fallout 4 yet (my current PC doesn’t allow it smoothly) but when I saw the modding capabilities of Fallout 3/NV, and Skrim, that Fallout 4 possibly also have, and also the excellent modders that exist in the community, I thought that in a longer run would be interesting to make an overhaul mod that retires Fallout 4 from the Fallout world (don’t burn me yet), uses the engine and the resources to make a mod that is in fact a new game. The thing is that currently RPG’s are mostly or fantasy themed or post-apocalyptic. It would be interesting to see: A Western in the late 19th century (and I believe that Fallout 4 has the resources for that, Fallout 3/NV had) with the Fallout factions replaced by Native Indian tribes, US Bandits, Mexican Bandits, US Army Cav., Buffalo Hunters, gold-diggers, Ranch farmers, Pinkerton Agents… the creatures replaced by real (and also dangerous) ones… snakes, buffalos, jackals, bears, wolfs… This mod could be inspired in some of good Western Movies out there… And/or A Colonial mod in the late 19th century, were the player could be an African Tribesman or a Western Explorer, with factions replaced by African Tribes/factions (Zulus, Azande, Ruga-Ruga, Sudanese Mahdists), European Colonial Powers, Missionaries, Slavers, Explorers, Big Game Hunters… the creatures here could also be replaced by real (and also dangerous) ones… snakes, lions, tigers, rhinos… This mod could be inspired in some movies like “Zulu”, “Zulu Dawn”, “Khartoum”, adventure movies like the “Mountains of the Moon”, or even movies in the “King’s Salomon Mines”/”Tarzan”/”Indiana Jones” line. Or even inspired in the book "HEart of Darkness" that was the starting base for the movie "Apocalypse Now". I am just saying that to have a good game/mod it doesn’t have to be completely fictional.
I am playing again Fallout 3 before moving to Fallout 4, and I am building up my game, with some personal changes, besides the Good Old usual top Mods, and I am trying some Quest mods, still didn’t finish but I have them installed, here are some: Ties that Bind (I am enjoing it); Alton Il; Fallout Zero; The Institute; Vault 691; Vaul 101 Revisited; Cube Experimental; Reykjavik; Back to Anchorage;
Voice needed for Weiss Evil Companion!
Tulius replied to TheDrunkenMudcrab's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
I am trying a similar thing. Just back to Fallout 3 recently. And If (and if) you can't find any, you can use an automatic reader/ voice generator. It is not the same thing, but is better than a silent movie! I think there are some mods that use this kind of software. Just checked this: http://onlinetonegenerator.com/voice-generator.html -
Looking for a mod in Fallout 3. Was deleted?
Tulius replied to Tulius's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
:smile: :smile: :smile: Thank you very much. I looked for this for hours. It seems that in all the wrong places!!!! Thanks bethjunkie!!!! Edit: The mod has not Tags... it doesn't help! Edit: And a add on, "the Cage": http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/14310/? -
I am looking for a mod in Fallout 3 that I played some (many) years ago. I know that Fallout 4 is out there, but my PC doesn’t seem to handle that very well :) So the mod was a Bar/Disco, in the middle of the Wasteland, North of Megaton (I think, if I recall well). It had a floor with the Music Bar and a basement with some box fighters. Any idea where I can find this, or what is the name of the mod, or the author?
It works! Thanks, Agnot2006!