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About orion013666

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  1. Well, hello there. I have to say that I have no idea is there a way to do this really. But I would love to see a mix of Cat armor and Bear armor. I really like cat's body but Bear's skirt is all I want. Just throwng it out there and lets see what will happen?
  2. Hey there! When I imagine a viking, raider or some other warrior from the north, I see they wear some fur on their shoulders, and it's looking great, TBH i hate capes in general and it's pains me to wear it when I go to the mountains. So I wonder if anyone would be able to change the wolf cape to leave only the wolf head part on the shoulders? No cape, just fur. I think it would look real badass. Thanks a lot!
  3. Like in the title, is it possible? I know there are some shoes that go under the pants, like every formal or Johnny's but can someone make maybe some boots (for example sneakers or arasaka soldier's boot) go under the pants and not on them? thanks in advance chooms!
  4. Hey everybody. I have a little (I think) personal request for a mod. Like in the Topic. I'm using Varric Tethras' Tailor mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/1450) and its really great, but I like to play as warrior class and still, there are mods that allow warrior to use rouge armor. Well if a warrior use a rouge armor then it give bonuses to dexterity and cunning instead of strength and constitution. So if someone could do something like a retexture it would be great. I prefers Frosty Mod Manager so if it have option for it I would be grateful. If no one actually want to make this then maybe there is some simple way to o this and you could give me a little tutorial or point me in the right direction to one, I could try do it my self. On the side note - goddamn beard for Varric, his maybe a surface dwarf but still a dwarf! Thanks and much Greatness to ya all folks! I would be grateful
  5. Can anyone make this happen? I love the long "dess" part in bear armor but I really like upper part of cat armor. Could someone make this? I would do it my self but I have no idea how :/
  6. icy moutain, snowy land, cold and frosty. Skyrim is a lad of snow and Ice! There should be more warm clothes! why the is't more fur and warm clothes and armor? I agree with you Naomimyn.
  7. I agree that studded armor should have pants. I personally do not wear this armor just because view of my legs make me mad! After that, it is so cold and the player runs around with a naked butt. I mean what the hell?
  8. I saw a snow, evrybody grumble about cold... why they wear normal cloths and not warm cloths? I think its more like Skyrim if there be some more fur and warm cloth and armor isn't? So if some body can do a mod with more fur cloth and armor and all that stuff i'll be grateful. Normaly i'd do it my self... but i have no idea how...
  9. I thought, my self isn't Skyrim a very cold land? Evrybody grumble on cold... but where is the warm clothes? They whant to be cold or what? So i think my self can sombody do a more fur clothies and armor? I'd do by my own, but i have no idea how... please can sombody do it?
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