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About SexyVortigaunt

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    Skyrim / Creation Kit

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  1. Well, I can't take good screenshots when half the NPCs that I kill have no feet or hands. I'm not sure which of these mods caused it, or if they even appear as ESP files. I might just need to start with vanilla models again - if that's the case, someone might need to tell me exactly how to do that. Anyway, here's the list; http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac11/Chloraak/modlist.png If anyone sees anything there that would cause the problem, let me know, otherwise it's probably my models being broken. I forget exactly which model mods I have applied, so it's probably that.
  2. Well, as the title says, I would love to see this armor in the game - Preferably as light armor, but then, I suppose that's up to you guys. If anyone thinks they could do this, I'd be glad to see it done, and maybe I'm not the only one. Seriously, don't let me be the only one.
  3. ☥In the interest of public getting pissy for my revival of an old thread, I'm not ready to let this die. I want this to happen and it won't if nobody decides to help. I am still looking for people who know their way around the creation kit, or the coding language, or Nifskope, or whatever. Please, if you can help or if you know somebody who will, direct them here. There is a lot to discuss and I would appreciate assistance. I want to bring a new world to life with this, but I can't imagine it happening without help. Thanks.
  4. A duplicate that was started the day the game came out. If anything, that one is the duplicate.
  5. This thread isn't to debate what Egypt is or is not called. It's for my own benefit to obtain assistance from people experienced in the fields in which I am not. I called it Egypt because the majority of the world's population knows it as 'Egypt'. When I actually have a team, and have the world space, and have all of the other major details, THEN I will concern myself with NPCs and the Pantheon and quests and items. Until such a time, I continue to look for people to help with what is already in the making. Getting deeper into details before i have even the slightest bit done doesn't help me complete anything, it just makes it worse on myself and anyone else involved. Until such a time when I have people helping me and have at least a definable aspect of the project complete, I will not be adding any details in terms of NPCs or quests. Furthermore, many of these things that have been suggested are quite possibly going to never happen. I am currently one (under-experienced) person, myself. I am not being paid, I do not have a brigade of employees. Those who decide to help will do so of their own will because I can not pay them. There is still quite a large chance that this will never be seen, or even started. It rests solely on me to recruit people who will be constructive and unanimous towards the goal. It will be up to me to make sure they do so without any sort of payment aside from the end result. The fact of the matter is this; Right now we are at ground zero. I can get nothing done without help and until somebody offers their help to me, we will remain with nothing. Until I have something I can work on, some people who I can call my team, there will be nothing accomplished. The scope of what I already had planned was gigantic - what you have thrown in is not helping me manage the workload already before me.
  6. I created a thread in the GW2 guru forums to help spread the project.

    Here's the link in case you might want to check it out from time to time.


  7. When I'm more in tune with what I need - and when more people decide to help, I will.
  8. I appreciate that, though it'll take more than support to get this even started. Gonna need some more manpower. **Uh, an Asura?
  9. Doubtful. I've been looking high and low for the past day and a half.
  10. So you know anybody that may be interested in our little project?
  11. Yes, I'm aware about the heightmap... Partially why I'm here. I need someone who can work with .RAW files and get one up in Photoshop or something. Thank you, though, for your reply.
  12. Need some help for my dream...
  13. Getting into contact regarding the team. Since I need one too, I figure two heads are better than one.
  14. If you're interested in the Anubis mesh, come here for further information or assistance oppourtunities.
  15. ☥ Thebes A (Maybe) new worldspace and setting for Skyrim - ☥ - Hello! Well, I've been working on becoming more involved in the Nexus scene as well as becoming more versed in the Creation Kit and Nifskope. Been having my fair share of issues, but also my fair share of triumphs. Another thread of mine can be viewed here, and in it you can see a mesh for either a new race head or a helmet - undecided and I'll likely wait for someone else to pick up on it and decide what would be easier - mesh was supplied courtesy of Senviro. Anyway, I am intending many, many things for this mod, so I will begin posting what I would like for it to become. **This is just what I hope for it to be. I will need a *LOT* of help getting it as far as I wish. A New World ☥Thebes will feature a new worldspace, with a custom height map, including the Nile River running through it. ☥Thebes will include new mesh statics for buildings, as well as hand built dungeons and interiors, friendly to ancient-Egyptian lore. ☥Thebes will offer Egyptian-Mythology friendly books and stories, likely written by myself. A New Body ☥Thebes will include either a new race or a set of armor pertaining to the ancient Egyptian god of the Damned, Anubis. Check out the current progress here. A New Strength ☥Thebes will include new weapons pertaining to ancient Egyptian mythology, both decorative and combat effective. ☥Thebes may include new spells. A New Adventure ☥Explore the world of ancient Egypt, enjoy a new player home in the sands. ☥☥This will take a lot of effort, a lot of time and a lot of work. I can't do it alone. Anyone who is able to help is welcome to, and I would appreciate it greatly. Thank you very much.
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