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Posts posted by AlassinSane

  1. I don't know about everyone else but this post is very sexy to me. I disabled my adblocker a while back but was considering putting it back on as most ads were autoplaying and lagging the page while I was on 20 other tabs.

    This post has stopped me and made me give tomorrow a chance.


    Keeping us updated and showing your consideration for the users is what's making this site so appealing! Thanks for everything you're doing!

  2. I am attempting to build an exterior standalone cell with a snowy fort, akin to Fort Neugrad in the vanilla game, but if I place the mountain options of light/med/heavy snow/ice they rarely show up in the first place. They have the object selection around them but they're invisible. This isn't that strange thing where some statics disappear but you can bring back by refreshing the cell viewer window, they don't visually appear at all.
    The same goes for the snow-laden stone walls I need to use, all start with "impextice" and sometimes the snow part of them shows up, but never the stone. I've ruled out the possibility of a texture overhaul somehow making them invisible too because other mountain and wall objects that don't have snow on them display just fine.
    To test this I went to Fort Neugrad and Fort Hraggstad. In the game they display perfectly fine but in the CK, no stone appears. When I go to these places in Skyrim, however, they display fine. For example I've circled in yellow all the areas where the stone walls should be in Fort Hraggstad:
    I'm new to the CK so I haven't done anything to tamper with it but this really has me puzzled. Toggling all the "view" options doesn't change anything and Google doesn't seem to have a clue either. Not even the second page.
    Anybody know the solution?
  3. I ban brokenergy because their username doesn't make sense. You're either a broken ergy (which sounds like a nerd orgy) or a broke energy. It should be BROKEN! YOU NEED ANOTHER EN IN YOUR LIFE!

  4. You know if I ever have my own biography I should name it that...


    Hello! My name is something-you-won't-find-out-unless-you-bribe-me-with-pizza and I am a long-time lurker since 2011. I have finally come out of the shadows and discarded the username of my youth which identified me as a... well, we won't bring that subject up again. I was most endeared with X-Men and horses at the time. You need know nothing more.


    Writing is something I love and have been told I'm not half bad at. Characters are my forte, sandbox RPGs are my love, and I know voice actors - hence I have come to the conclusion that companion mods are the way to go for me. The only pitfall being I understand the CK (I have been told GECK isn't too different either) and how dialogue works, but despise modding and scripting to the depths of my very soul. [melodramaticrage] MY CREATIVE FLUORESCENCE IS TOO WILD AND FREE TO BE ETERNALLY CONDEMNED BY TINY TYPOS AND PETULANT PUNY PLACEMENTS! [/melodramaticrage]


    So if I do go into Fallout 4 to create a companion mod with character development to the likes of which you rarely see, I need a modding partner. Any idea where I can find one? Placing an ad in the newspaper for a scripting slave in place of caps didn't seem to work. Not even Sarsaparilla Stars. :sad:


    My favourite games are Skyrim, the Dragon Age and Mass Effect series (yes I was a fan of DA2, shockhorror), and I'm halfway through F:NV and The Witcher 1. It feels like I jumped on a bandwagon back when it was just a simple wagon with those games...

    I have a beautiful computer that I bought instead of something more "substantial" like driving lessons. PAH! Why do I need driving lessons when Project CARS and GTAV were just released? I'll leave my specs out of it though because people seem to get cannibalistic when the Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 is mentioned...


    And that ladies and gentlemen, is me. I haven't been active on a forum for many long years so I apologise in advance for bumping every single forum game post there is. All of them.


    Lovely to meet you, person-who-has-skimmed-over-this-and-cba-to-reply! :)


    - somebody who really needs to decide on a profile picture.

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