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Everything posted by Crystan

  1. Personally I prefer the more compact view style of having more mods in view rather than having bigger tiles with one less per row. Also for someone who doesn't really use collection, it would be great if we could hide or move this section below the More Mods sections. Alternatively, you could make it a tab/filter in the More Mods section (like Updated, Popular, Surprise - see attachment) or find another spot where it doesn't interrupt the flow of the page. I understand the need for having a spot for it but atleast for me, it's a disturbance in the flow and overview. Hope I'm not too negative about it.
  2. Hello, i'm one of the affected mod authors of this criminal activity. Is this guy still profiting from mods he doesn't have the permission to do so?
  3. Start a new character and "copy/import/transfer" the skill progression (player level, perks,skills etc) of your old character to the new one.
  4. So, i've searched this forum for similar threads but i haven't found any. Recently i wondered if it is possible to copy the progression of a character (came up with that idea after seeing "Nnachos TXT Complete Character"). So in case you have to start a new game because you modded your old save to death - you still can keep your skill progression or probably even items or quest progression with a new character. Maybe theres even a way to archive this with a simple bat file? Of course you would need a mod or script which checks your character values and write them into a bat file.
  5. Hi Ho. Ive run into a little problem with the companion Ylldi of the Fresh Companion Mod while playing Dawnguard as a vampire. As you may know, theres a quest in the dlc that gives you the possibility to transform your spouse into a vampire. Sadly Ylldis eye's dont glow after the transformation, although the eye's switch to the correct texture i think. Iam not sure if this happens with other companion mods too, because its the only companion mod i use. Anyway, anyone knows a way to fix this issue? Would be great if someone could help me. :)
  6. You probably should ask the guys from Multi Theft Auto doing the same stuff for the GTA3 Engine Games (GTA3, Vice City and San Andreas). :)
  7. Me too! It's really annoying what they did with the music and voice files.
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