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About Hayllee

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    United States
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  1. "Talking to fellow modders is another good thing one could do, if there's something you can't do and the person is willing to explain it, of course." I hope I don't bring this up too much, but Adele/ZZJay is incredibly nice and helped me learn how the basics of nifskope and converting hairstyles to Bethesda games. It was years ago, but I remember being super nervous to reach out and ask and she actually messaged me back multiple times. Most mod authors are very nice, but not all of them will walk you through stuff. Instead of just being like "google it, dummy" she linked Ashara's tutorials and actually took labeled screenshots of stuff herself. I never really pursued learning to mod anything further because I'm a lazy POS, but I appreciated knowing that help was there. Also, her mods are incredible and her mannequin race is the best race for FNV. Thank you for your contributions to the modding community and being a great person, ZZJay!
  2. I like to dabble into modding and then stop once I start getting somewhere.
  3. Maybe I will post in my hair conversion thread. So other have the the infos about uv- mapping too, or maybe some tips
  4. Uv-mapping ready. It's a lot of work. There is only one hairstyle for which I would do thatt and it has unfortunately a hairaccessoire too! :DD

    But I think it's again, try and error like so often when doing hair conversion.

    I will try some uv-mappings too and then I can help you maybe better but the main part has Boodrl described.

  5. Hm, I .. good question. If the texture image is to big the textures have sometime trouble "to find their faces" and it cost space and the file gets big..

    If you resize it down it could be that the parts are to near.

    Iw ould depend it on the hairstyle/ tex image. a simple one like my Rastastyle has a very small tex-image. It looks like it was reduced.

    I never get an uv- ma...

  6. Another way to avoid the 2 tex images is of course to look after a retexture. Especially when using older Sim hairstyles- a retexture let look the hair much better. Just google the name of your hairstyle. Sometimes it helps if you take a higher value for the normal map.
  7. Look here for the uv- mapping:


    and you can google : blender and uv- mapping too

    I would start with an easy hairstyle for the uv -mapping not much strands and curls etc.. :)

  8. Hey Hayllee,

    about time that you come back! I'm curious about your coming mod and hope everything is well with you! :D

    Ah, and thankee for endorsing the mod! :)

  9. Heeeyyyy :P

    Ah..glad to hear all is right :)

    Haha...let you time...I don´t need the files yet ;)

  10. Hayllee...hope all is well :)

    I´m still waiting for the files :P

  11. Hi Hayllee,

    how are you? How is the work at your mod?

    See ya! :D

  12. Just to say...hello...:)

    See you hayllee ;)

  13. About time! ;D

    Ah,... much better...Heheheh...

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. Still no avatar... Tsk,tsk.. You can use the same pic for both avatars :P...... Lazy girl.....;P
  15. Have a great weekend, Hayllee! :D
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