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so. the kraken is literally just a small pistol smg variant of the maelstrom and yet it has the exact same fekkering fire rate as the maelstrom even though it has WAY less fekkering base damage per bullet than the maelstrom.... making it an absolutely objectively worse choice over the maelstrom by far even if you really like the idea of a little uzi, which i do. i was gonna go for the kraken so i could have a bullet hose since i got the most bullets for it (5+k) but i ain't even gonna bother now... makes me sad.. so if anyone would make a little balance/rebalancing mod to make the kraken an actual viable alternative to the maelstrom then i'd love ya :) ^^ i'm not saying it should be better even, just a viable alternative, cause as it stands now it really isn't a viable one what so ever unless you can't get your hands on a maelstrom at all which is practically impossible seeing as damn near all crimson fleet npc's have one.... maybe double the fire rate as suggested and lower the recoil a slight tad bit to compensate for the massive fire rate and maybe lower base damage by 1 or 2 (thinking of the basic Tier0 variant now) that or at the very least up the fire rate by 60-75 % lower the recoil ever so slightly and not touch the damage.
so since writing this iv'e come to a deeper understanding of how the thruster systems work, this will ooh so most likely not even be possible to attempt until after the creation kit comes out if even after that.. it would take someone well skilled, well determined and probably someone experienced in modding bethesda games and even then i imagine it will be rather hard.. maybe.. when activating thruster mode by holding space, you don't just enable left-right-up-down thrust you also disable forward and reverse thrust entirely while holding space... if you want an example, put full power to engines, max out speed, then throttle down to minimum, and as soon as you hit minimum throttle (not speed) hold space and don't use w-a-s-d.. watch the speed go slack and stay still, then release space and watch the speed then continue to decrease towards zero where the throttle is set..... maybe this isn't as bad as i think it is. i hope it's just something silly, a silly design choice on whoever designed ship flight like how so many other things in the game are designed silly (although i think/feel that most of those silly things can most likely be attributed to having been rushed in development. wouldn't put it past bethesda...)
As the title says, if curious and confuzled then please read and let me explain. If you have say 2 or more weapons of the same type on a ship and you fire them. they will both fire at the same time with the same amount of time between shots. This is what i see as a just stock standard "Fire Mode" kinda i guess like a hybrid between burst and fully automatic on personal arms. What "Alternating Fire"/"Sequence Firing" is, is basically what i see as a true fully automatic, where instead of firing all weapons of one type at the same time, they fire.. in sequence, as the name implies :p :q So imagine you have kitted your ship up the wazoo with a top of the line reactor and you have like 6 or dare say more than 6 of 1 weapon on your ship, while it's cool and all to see a figurative and literal wall of death advance towards a target, If you on the other hand find yourself a (at least occasional) lover of DAKKA DAKKA then imagine being able to flip a switch and have all those 6+ weapons fire one after another with an equal amount of time between each weapon firing depending on how many there are and ofc the fire rate of said weapons. So that say if you have 6+ fast firing autocannons for example.. all of a sudden you have turned your ship into a BRRRRRRRRRRT-hog...... utterly useless functionally wise unless maybe you somehow find yourself in a heavy ass ship with not enough thrust and up against way faster targets, even then eeh.. but oh god the coom factor is just straight max. i want this soooooo bad and i want this soooo bad every damn time i play a game that does not have this feature x,) x,'p it's the main reason i love old starsector so much i mean i imagine it wouldn't be that hard of a thing for someone skilled/experienced enough with modding bethesda games because weapons are already strictly limited to only having the same weapons on any given weapon group and so any weapon group will always have the same fire rate between all weapons on that fire group so there would be no need at all to compensate or add in functionality for different fire rates across different weapons (like starsector does) as it's not possible in starfield what makes this one so much more of an annoying thought to me though is that i had a run in with a pirate ship that had 5-6 laser weapons on it, and i noticed that it was essentially firing in sequence, now albeit i don't think it was actually doing this. more likely npc ship weapon targeting and firing are handles separately per weapon for whatever reason and therefore they all landed a target on me and started firing at slightly different times making it seem like sequence firing weapons. probably anyway :q gods knows with bethesda.. if anyone could even make this a reality for starfield then i will frikkin kiss ya, i'm a dude tho don't get your hopes up x,D i do imagine tho that this will be an absolute impossibility until at least after the creation kit comes out if it even does god oh lordy lords i hope it does.. iv'e not the slightest enough skill to make this a thing, creation kit or no. so super super thanks to anyone who even look into making this a mod <3 <3 <3
Fair enough good tip for gear. I'm just dumbfounded that whoever was in charge of designing the inventories decided it was a good idea to have/keep digipicks in misc, even though misc items now have absolutely no use at all other than to sell but don't even get enough to be worth picking up with almost all misc items. And to top it all off keep it that way when the buy back menu at vendors clear every time you close the damn shop menu.. Why'd bethesda have to go and screw so many things with this x,DDD....Tthat being said tho iv'e had a pretty fun experience with starfield so far, lucky with few bugs and the few that have been were just minor annoyances at most. It's just such a shame that they decided to (presumably) rush some things like for example the inventory system and.. well.. many other things :q.. here's to the next few game patches and the next few weeks-months of modding
so in the Olympus System there's "The Almagest" that turns out is filled with spacers having captured and pillaged the place, coolest place iv'e been to so far i gotta say, first time experiencing zero-g movement and combat for that matter in starfield and they done did this hella good. anyways.. there is a wee computer tucked into a maintenance tunnel that you can use to give yourself the current local jackpot of the casino... me ofc thinking *wtf, jackpot?!? :o this must be a few thousand credits at least :,D finally a big and easy payday and i can get an upgrade for my ships reactor or something* or something along those lines anyway...... and so it was much to my dismay when i found the code and input it into the computer to take the jackpot payout and only receive 3500 credits..........3500..... not even enough for a f*#@ing decent weapon purchase, HANDHELD weapon at that..... never f*#@ing mind a decent ship weapon.. never ever ever mind a big reactor upgrade or the like.. i was just overall very disappointed.. that being said tho there was a contraband chest in the corner with like 8-9 pieces of 10k+ value items (but that whittles down to about only 8000-9000 value when sold) so i guess whoever designed the place wanted to make the player work for the moneys but i don't even know yet where to sell contraband yet so it's just going into my little contraband box in my outpost, hey, a outpost needs your help. anyway i guess this is mostly just a rant but would be cool if someday a mod was made to make that jackpot actually more of a jackpot
so i'm sure i'm not alone in that i am very annoyed sometimes when for example digipicks and/or keys are mixed in amongst absolute crap misc items, that's bad enough, what's worse is that there is no favorite system, as in we cannot favorite an item and have that item at least stick to the top of the category it belongs in like a stickie post in forums for comparison but also so we don't accidentally put it away into a storage locker to then find out 20min later that you need some digipicks in the middle of a cave when overweight... yes that has happened to me once so far.. :q... or worse yet sell it and then discover after having left the trading menu.. that the buy back menu wipes every time you leave the trading menu.... i don't think this has happened to me yet with anything important but i'm sure it will at some point and that day i shall be loosing an unknown amount of progress due to loading a previous save :q.... thanks to anyone who looks into this <3 could not make this a thing myself :/
as title says, i imagine this would be a tall order maybe even for a bethesda modding vet untill the creation kit comes out but putting the request up here since there is none yet personally i absolutely frikkin hate how they've done space ship movement in regards to directional thrusting and roll maneuvers. as it is now, roll is on A and D while directional thrust is controlled by holding SPACE and using WASD and that is just one of the most messed up, convoluted and f*#@y wucky ways i could ever think of to control a ship's thrusters... TLDR: best of all ofc would be to have new entries made in the options menu for rebinding on the individual basis.. however i imagine that could only ever be done after creation kit release if even then so second option i can think of and would like is to have hardcoded rebinds maybe at best configurable somehow via some file somewhere in a text editor idunno, but to have it force rebind the keys to, for example what in imo would be best is: Q and E for left and right roll - A and D for left and right thrust - then last but not least CTRL and SPACE for down and up thrust. wee rant: i guarrantee if i could get these controlls that i am used to using in other space flight games into starfield that i would improve massively as a pilot, but as it is i barely ever even use the thrust cause it's just so f*#@ing clumsy for me to use and am frankly not bothered to get used to it and learn it just so i can fly a bit better in one single fekking game :q end of wee rant thanks to anyone who even looks into possibilities of making this a thing, iv'e not even remotely the modding skills to make this a thing :| :q hope ya'll have a good day!
[mod request] "Foundation is too tall" fix
STREALOK replied to Redwyrm's topic in Starfield's Mod Ideas
I second this. big time. though i imagine until the creation kit comes out it will be rather hard to mod maybe.. Spent about half an hour to an hour painfully scaling up a mountain with only the basic boost pack and a roughly 350% overweight capacity. (yes it was painful, don't ask :q) Just to find out that there wasn't quiiiite enough flat area to place a landing pad. Even though in the preview the stairs that dynamically extend or retract based on height, clearly show that they will go as far as over a hundred meters or so. And yet we're limited to keeping ground height at a max of probably around 10 meters.... on all sides, all corners... And if there's more than the limit on just a tiiiiny teensy little part even if it's a part that has to access way into the structure/pad it will block it.. *insert crying noises* god damn bethesda in their infinite omnipotent wisdom.. Edit: also i think i request that this be moved by a mod or someone please to the mod ideas category where it belongs -
so i think this would be a really nice QOL mod at least for me, i find it really annoying that scan view highlights all pickups including utterly useless things like empty toilet roll tubes worth maybe 1 credit. better yet though, however i'm sure much more work and harder to implement would be to make most misc items glow at say half or 25% glow strength so that actually usefull and valuable stuff like digipicks and keys would be the same glow as resources, weapons, bodies, etc. etc. the only exceptions i'd want to this is things like higher value misc items like sculptures worth over a couple hundred credits and so on and not to mention very high value misc items like contraband items worth over 10k and so on. an additional idea for the latter part about contraband items, it would be cool imo if say contraband items glowed purple instead of the blue like everything else, or yellow like the little icon on their tooltip or inventory entry. liking the game a lot so far and after putting some mods in just now to increase startup time, better hud, fov and performance enhancers and not to mention the dlss conversion mod i'm having significantly higher fps so gonna love playing this now. it's a damn miracle that the game is as 'stable' as it is with bethesdas past in mind :q thanks in advance to anyone who at least even just attempts making this mod idea of mine :) i have not nearly the skill for it but i hope i will be able to dl a mod of this someday <3 have a good day ya'll
i think that there should be a "RAGENexus" for the ones that want mods for "RAGE". and i think that who ever votes no, can instead just not download mods for the game. i also understand that there might be certain people with their own reasons and i accept that. i just really hope that there will be a "RAGENexus" For the ones who actually want it, weather it will blossom with mods like the fallout series or not.. i cant say