@kingtitan Have you examined "Fort Carcernus" by SurfingApe? It has scripted spells for moving prisoners, but it's more of a teleportation effect than a "go to." I'm no scripter, but the script suggested earlier containing the command "resurrect 1" seems promising. It causes a corpse to just stand back up as a living NPC without a time limit, with no changes to location or inventory, though I can only guess that it would reset the AI and remove the entity from the Prisoner faction. It seems logical that the command could be made into a spell effect and attached to the Staff of Eternal Pain; however, I have no clue as to how one might go about this. I must voice my approval on your current work with "The Bowels." At first, I was a bit irritated with the level of darkness, but as I explored the area, I discovered that the lack of light made quite the fitting atmosphere. By all accounts, well done. Concerning the prisoners' propensity to die much too quickly... perhaps one could attach a Fortify Health effect to the Prisoner faction or some such, but I suspect that this may be too ham fisted in the long run. As for the torture devices, such as the chair, "flame cage," the buttons next to that top level cell, etc., I suggest lowering the damage inflected, except for buttons and levers marked "kill." I don't know how you could lower the damage inflicted by the lava cage, unless you lowered the damage of all lava, which may or may not be a wise choice. I wholeheartedly endorse the earlier suggestion of a water cage for drowning, but can NPC's actually drown? If not, I suspect that further scripting would be in order. As for general suggestions, could there be a way to "mark" prisoners to be attacked by the guards, perhaps as another spell effect? At present, the guards seem to be little more than decoration. I suspect that torture could be made a bit more interactive and interesting, such as coercing prisoners to give confessions, information, the location of valuables, etc. Perhaps they would need occasional healing, if their bodies would break before their minds. Speaking of breaking minds, perhaps some prisoners could become insane and/or feral due to their plight. I suspect that this is too much information already, so I will reserve any further ideas for a future time. For the record, I'm not twisting your arm about anything. You said you could use ideas, but I'm just glad that the mod has, at last, been reborn.