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About TinyDem0n

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    United States
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    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
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    The Elder Scrolls Series

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  1. Well, I believe it's the things it HAD that were the problem. The leveled lists ruined the immersion of the game, it didn't really get me into it. Rather than playing a game, I was playing a tutorial dungeon the whole way through. Not only that, but a lot of the lore presented in Oblivion contradicted with the lore of previous games, and the tutorial dungeon for the tutorial dungeon was abhorrent. It should have been better done, and made optional, with at least one other start to the game for the people who call the Elder Scrolls series their home, so to speak. Us veteran players shouldn't have to sit through beginner pish-posh, contradictory lore, and way-too-easy play throughs, but the beginners should be able to. And as for a few things that I found, as many have, to be lacking, were the variety in the questlines, the varying scenery, the deep-rooted culture of each city, the differentiation between the races, and the immersive class/specialization lists that were present in the other Elder Scrolls games, just to name a few things.
  2. I hope it makes Oblivion look like a bowl of fluff, Morrowind more like a Morrowbreeze, and Daggerfall look like Daggerfell, but that might be asking for a bit much...
  3. I was wondering if permanently bound familiars would be an option? With variants for good/bad casters? Examples would be rats, cats, imps, owls, skeletons, clanfears, scamps, smallish trolls, etc...
  4. Got a landscape!!! YEAH!!!
    1. TinyDem0n


      As well, I figured out how to merge esm's and esp's to one another, which saves me a boatload of work!
  5. Which is why it's quite likely to happen again.
  6. Falmer are supposedly the original inhabitants of Skyrim, so, all things considered, they too are the sons of Skyrim. Maybe they come out of seclusion and attempt to take back their homeland, with the help of a dragon, or maybe the Tsaesci or Wamasus/Wamasii (Race of Dragonpeople said to have once inhabited northern Blackmarsh.)
  7. "Pyandonea is an island-continent located to the far southwest of Tamriel and home to the elusive Maormer. The island is covered mostly in rain forests which provides a habitat for the southern water spirits. Maormer practice a powerful form of snake magic and use it to tame the sea serpents of Pyandonea for use as mounts and warbeasts. King Orgnum, famous for his coffer, was from this land.The last contact with the continent was in 3E 110 during The War of The Isle, when the Altmer with the help of the Imperial Navy and the Psijic Order eventually vanquished the Pyandonean Armada. Another account credits a freak storm for the demise of the fleet." This is the only known lore on Pyandonea. Now THAT needs expansion.
  8. Modders will make them anyway, appropriate or not. This community is driven by female obsession. Ah, but if you noticed, you have substantially aided in the deterrence of this female obsession by helping to make guys (and horses) something to look at, as well. Thank you, for working outside the norm. Back to the topic now, I still feel, marketing decision or not, that Blackmarsh could be widely expanded upon, whether in trade, lore, or aesthetics, and by that, I mean that if there is no Blackmarsh, I will quite likely muster up my friends and associates at my school, many of whom are adept 3D modelers, or graphics designers, or combinations, and have them work with Zazz-O-Matic and I (Oblivion modders currently working on a large new mod) to make it, and make things up as we go, though still base it heavily off of the small bits of known lore we have on Blackmarsh and Argonians. That never really ends well, when lore is made up by people other than Bethesda's writers. I WANT BLACKMARSH, I WILL GET BLACKMARSH!!! http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/verymad.gif
  9. Still working on Nehut'Rall. Not ensuring anything, but I certainly hope that it is as good as I would like it to be.
  10. Lich army, perhaps? Think of Daggerfall. Could happen. King of worms was defeated, yet encountered once more in Oblivion. Maybe Uriel Septim or some other (Pelagius?) was reincarnated... Ya never know until the release. :mellow:
  11. Hmm... Maybe... And bear with me here.... Maybe it DOESN'T go forward in time. Could it possibly be that the Dragonborn is Tiber Septim, or any of his recent descendants? Tiber Septim lore: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Tiber_Septim It makes sense, I think. It could be that the player aids him in a quest or his rise to fame, or that the player is a direct descendant, or works with one. Just throwing that out there. Not everything has to move forward.
  12. Blackmarsh all the way baby. Argonians are so underplayed. Bethesda needs to make a game that truly brings them to their full potential. At least, though, with Skyrim, there is less potential for hundreds of different breeds of the same female elf with a "perfect body" or "angelic features". They make me kind of sick. :wallbash:
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