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Everything posted by modder3434

  1. There are people born with the capacity to inflict harm upon others irregardless of any upbringing. However they tend to be the criminals that cause much heartache, and act from the shadows more then being in the spotlight as bullies are. In that case bullies are usually people who learned that they could utilize their gifts to their personal gain...ex. physical strength, above average intelligence etc.. weather that realization is learned from a third party or self- realized is a moot point. While its true that those who have been bullied, abused etc are more prone to become like those who preyed on them...many do not, in fact many become the opposite and oppose those types of people. Everything Begins With Choice
  2. Current Projects: New Reno (FNV), OVB: Darkness Eternal (Skyrim) no ETAs, most of the work is solo...
  3. Current Projects: Movie Posters Cortio Ergo Sum, Gottlesfont Priory, and OVB: Darkness Eternal
  4. Current Project(s): Morrowind Swords for Skyrim, Gladiator Armor, OVB: Darkness Eternal
  5. Current Project: The Order of the Virtuous Blood - Darkness Eternal (WIP)
  6. Current Project: The Old Ways: An Adventure Plugin for Skyrim
    1. modder3434


      release date has ben changed to 2-27-13. Sorry to anyone who was waiting for this mod for the previous date, but I've hadn't had time to finish with college Finals, Dragonborn coming in Jan, and Im moving in two weeks.
  7. Might makes Right. The Ends justify the Means.
  8. Nothing is true, everything is permitted
  9. Bellum Omnium Contra Omnes
    1. modder3434
    2. DarthVorne


      Beneficium Accipere Libertatem Est Vendere
  10. is it ok if i use you chainamail resource for a mod? I got the textures to work in-game, and i was wondering if you would mind me realising it?
  11. In Vino Veritas
    1. DarthVorne


      Veritas Vos Liberabit
  12. Why i get a "The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading" everytime i try to download CBBE skin texture V2 V3 plus Thepal and UNP compatible
    1. modder3434


      the Dallas server i usually use is still be testy, but t i tried the Seattle server and it worked beautifully
  13. jjum has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?
  14. Current Mod Projects: The Felix Legion and Samurai Armor
    1. modder3434


      also voice acting for Vigilants of Stendarr: Paladin Order
    2. modder3434


      and working on Vampirism Tweaks
  15. Final Exams in college are a pain
    1. modder3434


      no time for skyrim


    2. modder3434


      passed all but my algebra
  16. no... THIS IS THE NEXUS!!! lol
  17. My Skyrim Collectors Edtion arrrived!!!!! Finally amazon delivered!!
  18. "Anarchism... stands for liberation of the human mind and the dominion of religion; the liberation of the human body from the dominion of property; liberation from shackles and restraint of government. It stands for social order based on the free grouping of individuals."
    1. Flintlockecole


      Indeed it does, it's a shame that most people have been dumbed down to the level of sheep to do anything.
  19. the roman eagle... a symbol of power corruption and badass military power. which leds me to say this, a dictaroship is the most effective mform of goverment.
    1. modder3434


      not the best, but the most effective


  20. One modder to find them, one site to hold them, multiple modders to make them and in the darkness download tem
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