sorry for the OT, but we are fan boys for choosing nvida? well thats pretty harsh. i couldnt be bothered checking, but isnt the meaning of "fan boy" someone who loves, pushes, defends something regardless of how good it is? what was ATI have gotten better & closed the gap, while nvidia has had some average cards, it seems that ATI had more bad than good. it all comes down to preference & thats what james prefers. also if CC & Thor were fan boys, they might have said something like "just go nvidia, doesnt matter what" but i dont see that in the replies. to me, nvidia just seems to have an all-round better quality product, but then i must be a fan boy along with all the other nvidia users. i have to say that nvidia's release of drivers has become annoying over the last 6 months or so. it seems that some app download sites like filehippo have been getting whql drivers at a faster rate than nvidia's site hosts. 263.09 is the latest ive seen, while nvidia only has 260.99.