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  1. ah ok i thought so, but i couldnt remember where the option was lol strange that it wouldnt work though. perhaps there are some registry problems? sorry thats the only thing i could come up with ottomh
  2. hmm this wasnt posted in the right section.
  3. Yeah, it was. I'll give you a hint though, the secret of finding the answer is hidden in the comments somewhere. :whistling: Good job on two BTW, even though you didn't get it right. :laugh: oh i see it now, cachaca is what you said was the one. i think it was the phrasing of the question that put people in the wrong direction haha this is starting get a bit confusing now lol. i also answered singapore for Q2 & you said that bluedanube was right?
  4. i might be thinking of xp, but isnt there option like keeping the the taskbar on top & vice-versa?
  5. i was going to say something that i remember hearing or reading somewhere & what it could be possibly related to, but that might get myself unintentionally banned.
  6. awe where's my congrats for getting 2 right Keanumoreira? nah its ok i dont need it lol. also i take it that grain alcohol was wrong too?
  7. I havn't had any problems with FONV, and I only play in offline mode. dont read this as being sarcastic because it isnt. but you're lucky. lol i wish my steam worked as well as yours does.
  8. on a lighter note, i think the ufo nuts might have a field day when those papers are released. lol im also a bit interested to see whats in them.
  9. i really cant stand, not hate because that would mean i would have to think about crApple & their over-priced ypods, yphones, ypads, ymacs & whatever other crappy things they make. as for why i put a y instead of an i infront? well thats easy, like others have said you can easily find a better & cheaper equivalent. hell, i dont really care about paying extra for what it looks like. if it does what i want, a decent price, reviews are good then ill buy it. vacuous people that only care abou the aesthetics, not what it does? lol
  10. whats the beef? well as others have said, ill complain about the same thing. sometimes the smallest thing can make you not want to play a game or use an app. things that members have already brought up that im also annoyed about with steam: updating reverts back to auto-update even when you change it. like a few people, i actually like to know what a patch does especially with games. i like to see if there have been any problems, then make my own damn decision if i choose to update or not. not being able to login or play offline. i a laptop & a desktop. the laptop does 99% of net-related things and the desktop is for gaming & video. its an annoying hassle to have to change settings on the A/V & firewall, plug the cable in, then wait for things to update. whats the point of having offline play if most of the time it doesnt work?
  11. i havent looked into it thoroughly, but i dont think theres too much wrong with the wikileaks thing. it seems like a good exercise in embarrassing stupid people. as far as vietnam & all the other wars, the troops can only do as ordered, regardless if the commander-in-chief or any other leaders had the size of their manhood insulted or not.
  12. some interesting questions mate 1. naming something doesnt necessarily mean they invented it? like quite a few things, i think the Greeks first came up with that. 4. Singapore 9. unless its made in a small obscure town by 10 people, theres only one other i can come up besides rum, and thats grain alcohol.
  13. sorry for the OT, but we are fan boys for choosing nvida? well thats pretty harsh. i couldnt be bothered checking, but isnt the meaning of "fan boy" someone who loves, pushes, defends something regardless of how good it is? what was ATI have gotten better & closed the gap, while nvidia has had some average cards, it seems that ATI had more bad than good. it all comes down to preference & thats what james prefers. also if CC & Thor were fan boys, they might have said something like "just go nvidia, doesnt matter what" but i dont see that in the replies. to me, nvidia just seems to have an all-round better quality product, but then i must be a fan boy along with all the other nvidia users. i have to say that nvidia's release of drivers has become annoying over the last 6 months or so. it seems that some app download sites like filehippo have been getting whql drivers at a faster rate than nvidia's site hosts. 263.09 is the latest ive seen, while nvidia only has 260.99.
  14. one bad game i remember was on the 2600, apart from ET, it was called something like Space Shuttle.
  15. over the last few days ive been playing some amiga games. shadow of the beast series, the great giana sisters, uridium 1 & 2 but to name a few. some great memories there.
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