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Everything posted by SageRaintree

  1. Even beggers had music, and played instruments. I thought it would be cool to have an old man traveling around and singing the songs of his life and history. Stopping in settlements and towns to share his songs and music. The Singing Settler would be so cool with this. Maybe in build mod you could add a Minstrel stool or something. He would have to be essential. Maybe you could hear him faintly playing as he walks away.
  2. I found that uninstalling and reinstalling helped, checking game cache. If you think it could be a mod unplug them. Plug them back in a couple at a time. You will find the culprit, either leave it unplugged or delete the mod entirely. As it stands I will not download any more mods until the geck is released. I'm hoping that modders will do what Bethesda didn't. Make a boring game interesting.
  3. Since everyone wants to steal everybodies crops, I would have a trip line leading to a turret designed as a scarecrow. I would have at least 3 different designs and power. The uglier the scarecrow the more powerful. Blast them Tatos!!!
  4. I'm a big football fan, so I was wondering could someone create a Football helmet with the Pats Icon. And/or the whole uniform with shoulder pads. Boston is has big Patriot fan base. Now all we will need is Samuel Adams beer.
  5. You made FONV better with each mod you created. I will miss your work. Thank you for all you have contributed. I hope you find your muse again, but if it ain't in you we will understand. Once again thank you for the gift of all your work. This dude will always be a fan.
  6. My game is listing things in Russian, I looked all over the forums and couldn't fine the answer, although I know I've seen this problem listed before. I had one Mod that used a little Russian, I deleted it, but Russian is still spreading throughout my game. Thanks
  7. When I looked for an answer to my problem I couldn't believe all the other problems people were having with the game, I fought the glitches and won all except the current one. But I feel bad for the guys suffering through all that other stuff. FONV is a great game, but I bet a lot of people finish it bald from pulling their hair out. Nexus needs a top rate team of techs on board to help fight baldness.
  8. I am missing doors in some mods, either its completely black or a lighted area . Entering will spit you out somewhere else or you become stuck in the hinder land. First noticed this glitch in large quest mod, that I couldn't finish. Now, it's happening quite a lot. I think it is mainly interior vault doors , but , I'm not sure since they aren't there. Help!
  9. Where are the carpenters, who makes all the Nobles furniture? Course, I could make a wooden table. A couple of logs and a plank = table. But, maybe I want something I could pick up at the carpenter shop, A bedbugless bed or a roach free cabinet. Take it home place it and make the wife happy. So could someone please make a carpenter or two, then we can sit in a nice chair and share a flagon of ale.
  10. Could someone make a mod where furniture making is a craft. Tables, chairs, beds, dressers, stands, etc. It would be nice to be able to add your own furniture where you want something. There was at one time a furniture store mod, but I haven't been able to find it again. It would have to be compatible with the container crafting mod. Thanks
  11. Thank you very much, have fun and good luck.
  12. I want a family estate, one that has seen a happy loving family. One that grew and changed with the family through many generations. A house I inherit. Second floor, bedrooms for young and old. First floor, kitchen, dining room, library, sitting room and a show room for all the family's trophies. A basement for all crafting, including smelter and wood chopping. Greatgranddad was interested in crafting weapons and armor, one side of the basement was his man cave. Greatgrandma was into alchemy and enchanting, after all she had children to look after and keep well. She was in charge of the other side of the basement. Oh and if you want there could be a skeleton in a closet or two. Of course storage is important also. Thanks for reading and I appreciate any feedback and comments. There are some wonderful mods out there and many talented people. Thank you each and everyone for adding enjoyment to a great game, to my game. You guys are great.
  13. I also thought I had issues with graphics card giving up the ghost, It wasn't my card, but Skyrim. So don't toss out card yet, but consider the game as the problem.
  14. Thanks Dante, that house quest is just bugged, I did all the quests and was made wonderful by the Jarl but still no house. I wanted to stab the steward in the neck.
  15. I finished all the quests, killed the murderer in Blood on ice, yet the steward won't offer the house for sale. Left town came back still can't buy house. Anyway I can make the house mine without the steward?
  16. Could someone make clothes like Robin Hood or Rangers, but not with goofy looking tights but britches. And make them with the sneak enchantment. Woodsland colors and a hat that doesn't look weird. Mans hunting clothes in other words. Knife sheath and belt.
  17. Hard=Spiced Rum, Southern Comfort, Beer, No mixed drinks! Soft=Pepsi, water. No sugar free.
  18. Game closes whenever I open a container, sacks, barrels, cabinets. It doesn't matter, I save before opening anything. Anyone else having this problem?
  19. I have been thinking about what foods that may have stayed edible after two hundred years and I came up with these. Poptarts, when I was in school I would throw them in my locker and they were still good at the end of the year. Peanut butter, we store it away all season in case of hurricanes, some has been stored for years. Pickled Herring, it has in my mom's cupboard for years, and I am from a family of 9 kids. Fruit cake, we finally gave one that we got as a gift to a neighbor after 12 years. He ate the whole thing without any after effects. So people who like to make food mods here are some ideas. I'm sure other people have some foods that passed the longevity test too.
  20. I am looking for the mod that makes barrels usable. It was embedded with another mod I had, and I lost it when I cleaned up my downloads. Thanks.
  21. Thanks guys for your help and suggestions! I have my discovered a wise guy. But, I like the mod so I'll deal with it.
  22. The explosion rocks my world and I can see my body start to fall, it is burned and skeletal like. That is why I thought it must be a plasma grenade. There aren't any enemies around and its quite a surprise, especially if I am playing with the sound turned up. It's just a minor annoyance, but I know it is imbedded with a mod. Which one though, is the question. I like and am playing some great mods, so I guess I will continue to jump out of my literal skin as my character explodes into a pile of goo. It happens maybe once per playing time. So I save like every 5 minutes.
  23. It is said when you strike a match you create life, when you extinguish the match you destroy life. So what is life exactly? Does a conscience make life more viable? When you stand alone in a room whose universe are you intruding upon?
  24. You put a lot of work into this and it looks great. Where can I get a skull belt to hold up my britches like Mr Skully with the (axe) guitar?
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