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  1. Have you edited the .bgsm file for the frame? You can use the material editor, http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3635/? and find templates under Materials/Templates. Open one up and look under the material tab. ( I use it as a guide rather than just doing material swaps. ) If you're taking a painted metal surface (vanilla) and trying to achieve a chrome look you're going to have a hard time unless you edit the materials spec values etc. For example the spec multiplier for the frame is 1.00000 and the spec multiplier for the chrome template is listed at 0.33000 The only thing I hit a wall on was spec color. I tried to achieve a look similar to your top left image, which would involve changing the spec color in the material editor to a pink hue, but if I change the color nothing happens in game. In Skyrim I would just change spec color in nifskope, I tried that as well here and no go. So I can achieve a chrome look but not a tinted chrome, or tinted metal for that matter. On top of that I don't believe the PA frame has material files for the individual parts of it, so altering spec values in the material file would blanket alter the whole frame. The workaround being careful editing of spec and gloss values in the _s. TLDR, To achieve that pink chrome-ish look in the top left image you would need a dark diffuse, spec and gloss edited accordingly, then material values in the bgsm file for the frame edited to match values displayed in the MetalTemplate_Chrome.bgsm. I just cant get the spec color to change.
  2. I tracked it down. It was this mod, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17130 They refer to it as a lightboard. Sad really because besides that awful effect it worked really well. :/
  3. Kinda looks like your own personal "marshmallow" snack perpetually at the ready ;) But seriously, yeah, I'd agree that it looks to be either the result of an artifact "beneath" you that's covering ground textures... OR, is it an artifact on some clothing/weapon that you're carrying, and you're seeing part of it "stick" into view? I remember playing around with one of the Witcher2 clothing mods, and depending on my FOV setting, sometimes I'd suddenly see the wolfhead necklace pop into view at the bottom of my screen during certain animations. Just a thought... Hmm that might help pinpoint it, it does behave like a reflection or a flare would.
  4. Yes, but this happens indoors, outdoors, in dungeons, etc. I don't have a single mod that covers all ground textures, separate tex mod for outdoor terrain, separate for dungeons, interiors etc. I'm just asking and posting the photo hoping someone may have encountered this, it's a long shot but it would help me pinpoint if it is a mod, an enb setting etc.
  5. It's exactly what I see. When I move the camera straight down, it slides into the center of my view. The only way to make it go away is exit the game completely, then restart. But it always manages to come back, sometimes not for a while, sometimes right away.
  6. And how to possibly fix it? It's been happening on and off for a long time now, and only when I look straight down, I get this odd semi transparent rectangular object. I'm wondering if it's a goofed ENB setting or possibly an ini setting that went out of whack, or tweaked too far. It's completely random when it shows up, and it will show up anywhere, day, night, indoor and out. http://i800.photobucket.com/albums/yy287/pondcypress/weirdbug.jpg
  7. The only thing I have found that gets rid of the grass bug issue is using enb mods which use the .108 version of the enb d3d9 . Which means no ssao or dof or some of the other fancy effects that come with the .102 d3d9. Although there are some .108 enb configs which are pretty nice looking. http://enbdev.com/enbseries/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=545&sid=ab0d903770ea3d6448fbf1c136baf74d
  8. fShadowBiasScale=1.0000 iBlurDeferredShadowMask=7 fShadowDistance=4500.0000 I max everything in the launcher then set that in my skyrimprefs.ini. Play at 1920x1080 on a 37" Never messed with shadows again.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rToy4cx9Cvg&hd=1
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